Komunikaty PR

Walter Herz is going for a record result

2022-12-15  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Walter Herz is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The company started operating in 2012, offering consulting services in the field of leasing smaller office spaces in Warsaw. After a decade, it is listed in the rankings as one of the leading consulting companies in the commercial real estate sector in Poland. It provides strategic consulting to tenants, property owners and investors implementing projects in all segments of the real estate market in the country. The company expanded its organizational structure and team of market experts. It opened two regional branches in Cracow and Lodz.

Walter Herz is a family company founded by Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Walter Her’s CEO/ Managing Partner and Magdalena Zagrodnik, Partner, Head of HR and Marketing at WH. The team consists of several dozen people whose expert skills and effective work have brought the company many awards. In 2016, the agency established the first Tenant Academy in the country, which constantly trains tenants in all major cities in Poland through regularly organized on-site seminars and webinars. During the 6 years of implementation of this proprietary project, Walter Herz advisors conducted over 40 training sessions.

Mateusz Strzelecki, who manages Tenant Representation Department and is responsible for the development of services provided by this team across Poland, became a shareholder and Partner at Walter Herz in 2017. Despite the unexpected economic changes that have taken place on the market in recent years, the team's achievements exceeded the company's expectations.

In 2021- 2022, the lease processes consulted by Walter Herz specialists amounted to over 60,000 sq m. of space. The company assisted in such transactions as, among others, RTB House (15 000 sq m of space.), Vorwerk Polska (11 000 sq m. of space), Inpost (8 300 sq m. of space), SALESmanago (4700 sq m. of space) and Pyszne pl. (3500 sq m of space).

Walter Herz participated in supporting the sale of real estate worth over PLN 1 billion and advising on the implementation of JV investments worth over PLN 500 million. The company took part in the creation of projects, obtaining bank financing for the PRS, hotel sector and investments in the student housing segment.

– The market is currently more demanding than it was around three years ago, and yet our company is gradually increasing its share in it. The volume of lease space, our team advises on, is growing. We regularly establish cooperation with new investors, whom we support with an increasingly wide range of services. We actively participate in the process of economic transformation, although I must admit that in order to advise effectively now, even greater commitment and a large dose of flexibility are needed. It is necessary to constantly improve qualifications, in both research and consulting. The analysis of the current directions of development of the real estate market requires more and more comprehensive knowledge. This is an intense period for the industry, in which customers expect fully integrated services that will that guarantee them making the right decisions - says Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner, CEO of Walter Herz.

Four years ago, Katarzyna Tencza joined the team, taking the position of Associate Director in the Hospitality Department. The gradual expansion of services resulted in the unit finally transforming into the Investment Department, which today employs seven people. It provides comprehensive services to companies active in various sectors of the real estate market. It performs analysis and valuations of real estate, advises on the sale and purchase of office buildings, investment land, hotels and retail parks. Investment advisors acquire tenants, lessees and operators for investments carried out in individual segments. The department also develops consulting services for land development, supporting clients in the process of buying and selling investment land.

Among the recent transactions, Walter Herz advised on, for example, the sale of the Regent Warsaw Hotel and the purchase of 50 ha of land for a logistics investment.

Piotr Szymoński, who in 2020 took the position of Director in Office Agency at Walter Herz, along with his project team was responsible for, among others, the commercialization of the Okam City investment in Warsaw Żerań, including 180 thousand sq m. of warehouse space and 14 thousand sq m. of offices. The participation of Walter Herz was the closing of an unprecedented transaction in the history of the capital market - leasing 80 thousand sq m. of logistics space and 2 thousand sq m. of office and warehouse space with a railway siding in this property by Loconi Intermodal SA.

Walter Herz’s steady development is possible primarily thanks to a well-integrated and experienced team. The involvement of the team resulted the company's revenue growth of ... per cent over the last two years.

Walter Herz’ stable development of is possible primarily thanks to a well-coordinated and experienced team - People are the company's greatest value. We focus on building long-term relationships in the team. We create an organization offering ambitious development opportunities and clear promotion paths. The entire team actively influences the development of the company. The basis of our operating principles is mutual respect and building a good working atmosphere. We are convinced that a team working in full harmony provides customers with the greatest value and the highest quality of expertise - says Magdalena Zagrodnik, Partner, Head of HR and Marketing at Walter Herz.

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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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