Komunikaty PR

CA Immo welcomes new tenant at Sienna Center in Warsaw

2021-06-10  |  18:10
Biuro prasowe
  • CA Immo signes lease agreement with new international tenant WestRock
  • Sienna Center in Warsaw with 98% occupancy rate
  • BREEAM certificate “Very Good” confirms high building quality


Vienna/Warsaw. CA Immo signed a new lease agreement at Sienna Center in Warsaw. The group of tenants of the office building belonging to the CA Immo portfolio has been expanded by another international company - WestRock. As a leading provider of differentiated, sustainable paper and packaging solutions, WestRock has leased 400 sq m. space on the 2nd floor of the building.

WestRock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WRK) and a world leader in the production of paper and the highest quality packaging dedicated to various industries. The company, ranked among the largest global enterprises according to the prestigious Fortune 500 ranking, serves clients around the world, and its offices, research centers and production plants employing a total of over 50,000 employees, are located in more than 300 locations in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Dawid Wątorski, Senior Leasing Manager at CA Immo: “We are very pleased that WestRock has joined the group of tenants in Sienna Center. The trust of such a prestigious brand, appreciated by customers and business partners all over the world, is a perfect confirmation of the quality of this office building. Our client appreciates the unique location of the Sienna Center and the highest standard of the space offered. By signing this contract, we have shown once again that Sienna Center, thanks to its undeniable advantages, can successfully compete with many new office buildings in the center of Warsaw and in the area of Rondo Daszyńskiego.”

WestRock offices in Sienna Center will be arranged on 400 sq m. of modern space located on the 2nd floor of the building, and the first employees will start working there in August 2021. The contract was signed for 5 years, the tenant was advised by Cushman & Wakefield during the negotiation process.

Agnieszka Głuchowska, Senior Negotiator at Cushman & Wakefield: “We highly appreciate the cooperation with WestRock and are glad that once again we had the pleasure to support the company in the relocation process. WestRock chose Sienna Center because the building met all of the company's expectations. Two teams that previously worked in different buildings will be integrated in the new location. Sienna Center has gained another prestigious Tenant!” .

Sienna Center is a modern office building with a total leasable area of 20,500 sq m., located in the center of Warsaw, at the intersection of Sienna, Żelazna and Twarda streets. The nine-storey building, consisting of three parts with independent entrances and receptions, offers the highest quality office space, retail and service spaces, as well as 209 parking spaces in the underground garage. Thanks to an extremely functional architectural design by Leszek Klajnert and Jerzy Czyż, the office building is distinguished by high efficiency and flexibility in planning the work space – both in the office and open space layout. The building is also characterized by high energy efficiency confirmed by the BREEAM certificate at the "Very Good" level.                                                                                                                 

The excellent location of Sienna Center in the very center of Warsaw guarantees convenient access to various means of public transport (metro, trams, buses), and thus quick connections to all districts of the capital. In the immediate vicinity of the Sienna Center, there are also numerous retail and service points, restaurants and cafes, banks, post offices and hotels. The facility is located only 5 minutes by car from the Central Station in Warsaw and approx. 20 minutes from the international airport Frederic Chopin.

The advantages of Sienna Center have been appreciated by renowned Polish and international companies, which translated into a 98% occupancy rate. Among the tenants of the office building there are FIS Technology, PGE, NTT, Roedl.

CA Immo in Poland

Warsaw is one of the main markets for CA Immo, where it has been present since 2001. The investments in the Polish portfolio of the company include: Warsaw Spire (Buildings B and C), Postępu 14, Warsaw Towers, Sienna Center, Saski Crescent, Saski Point, Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Center and Wspólna 47/49. The total area of assets included in the CA Immo portfolio in Poland amounts more than 170 000 sq m. and their value is approx. EUR 590 mln.

About CA Immo

CA Immo is an investor, manager, and developer specialized in modern office properties across the gateway cities in Germany, Austria, and Central Europe. The company covers the entire value chain in the field of commercial real estate including a high degree of in-house construction expertise. Founded in 1987, CA Immo is listed on the ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange and holds property assets worth around € 5.7 bn in Germany, Austria, and CEE.

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