Gate One Business Park has a new tenant!
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), the international real estate investment manager, has signed a new lease agreement involving Gate One Business Park in Warsaw. An international company dealing with data centre services has leased 21,000 sqm. of the modern space at the Gate Two building. The term of the agreement is 15 years.
Gate One Business Park is a logistics and office complex situated in Warsaw. The investment consists of two buildings with a total area of 40,000 sqm. that can be used both as warehouses and modern offices. The infrastructure of the park includes 273 parking spots (including 20 for trucks) and 56 loading ramps and gateways. The facilities are located at Modularna and Działkowa streets within the Warsaw industrial zone, only 5 km from the Warsaw Chopin International Airport. Their location ensures the easy reach to the city centre and convenient access to the Warsaw ring road and S8 express way. Other tenants of the centre managed by Savills Investment Management include, among others, Mary Kay, Argus, P4, Rajapack and Johnson Health Tech.
Julia Racewicz, Senior Asset Manager, Savills Investment Management, said:
In 2019, we decided to carry out extensive renovation of one of the buildings forming part of the complex in order to adapt it to modern market standards. The solutions we have implemented resulted in a record-breaking transaction and the facility being fully occupied. The agreement signed for 15 years is the first lease involving such a long term in a city location on the Warsaw warehouse market. It is also one of the first major (21,000 sqm.) lease agreements made in Poland with a company dealing with data centre services. We are particularly proud of the record-breaking scale of this transaction.
Savills Investment Management was represented by Panattoni Europe, whereas the tenant was advised by CBRE.
Kamilla Joszczuk, Associate Director at CBRE, said:
Leasing over 20,000 sqm. for the needs of the data center is one of the largest transactions of this type in Warsaw. Our client was looking for a very specific and tailored space, which he found in the Gate One Business Park complex. The long-term contract shows our client's trust in Poland, Warsaw and the selected location. Very important elements enabling the location of the project in the Gate One Business park complex were the landlord's flexibility and openness to understanding the tenant's needs. It is a great pleasure for us that we could represent the tenant in this process
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