Komunikaty PR

LSI Software moves to Oxygen Park

2024-05-22  |  13:30
Biuro prasowe

LSI Software, a leading provider of advanced IT systems that enhance operations and business management, has become a new tenant of the Oxygen Park office complex in Warsaw. The company has leased 400 sqm. of office space, moving to the building owned by Golden Star Group from another site, also located on Aleje Jerozolimskie.

Established in 1991, LSI Software is a leading Polish manufacturer of a proprietary ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It also develops software for retail and HoReCa applications, including sports venues and cinemas. It offers not only implementation of professional B2B systems, but also cutting-edge equipment, consulting services, maintenance and repairs. Since its inception, the company has been developing innovative proprietary products. LSI Software is a long-standing partner of Microsoft, Posiflex, LRS and Cinestar Software, a key software provider for cinemas in Latin America. LSI Software has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006.

Katarzyna Marciniak, Leasing Manager at Golden Star Group, said: ‘We are truly happy that modern and dynamically developing IT companies are choosing our office complex on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw and value the amenities it provides. Convenient and quick access to a number of districts in Warsaw, the highest quality of space and safety measures, as well as top-notch environmentally friendly solutions are among the key assets appreciated by businesses operating in the modern technologies sector. The opportunity to cooperate with LSI Software makes us proud. We believe that the team of this renowned global company will feel at home in Oxygen Park. We are constantly increasing the quality of our offering in close cooperation with our tenants to ensure that we provide our clients with a comfortable space for business growth.’

The office space of LSI Software S.A. is located on the 1st floor of Building A in Oxygen Park and covers 432 sqm. The lease agreement has been signed for seven years. The tenant was advised by Woodlark during the negotiation process. The tenant moved to Oxygen Park from another site located on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw.

Oxygen Park is a modern office complex, located directly on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw’s business district. The project consists of two six-storey buildings with a total leasable area of over 18,000 m2. The fully glazed façade guarantees maximum access to daylight, and tilt windows enable ventilation of the rooms. The layout of each floor permits the introduction of flexible office solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding tenants. The environment-friendly solutions applied in the complex have been confirmed with a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level.

In addition to top-quality office space, Oxygen Park’s tenants also have at their disposal a green patio with a relaxation zone, a canteen, and retail and service outlets. The project also features 162 parking spaces in the underground garage, bicycle racks and locker rooms with showers.

Thanks to its location on one of Warsaw’s key thoroughfares, the complex can be conveniently reached from any place in Warsaw and surroundings, by car or public transport, including Warsaw Commuter Rail (WKD) (proximity of the WKD Raków rail station). The complex is just 7 km from both Warsaw Chopin Airport and the city centre. An additional advantage of Oxygen Park’s location is the proximity of several shopping malls, including Reduta and Blue City, as well as Leclerc and Makro supermarkets.

The architectural design of Oxygen Park was created by the renowned studio JEMS Architekci. The project was delivered in 2013. In addition to LSI Software, the tenants at Oxygen Park include such companies as Adara, Agfa, DiaSorin, Eurotronic, Parker Hannifin, PHINIA, Sodexo and Nieruchomości Plus.

Golden Star Group is an investment company that has been operating in the global real estate market for 20 years. Combining international experience and industry expertise, Golden Star Group focuses on acquiring real estate and adding value to its acquisitions through lease and management. The company specializes in high-return investments in the retail, office and luxury hospitality segments.

Golden Star Group’s portfolio includes projects with a total value exceeding EUR 1.5 billion, in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Czechia. The Polish portfolio includes Konstruktorska Business Center, Oxygen Park,
JK 55 and LIM Centre in Warsaw and DOT Park in Kraków.

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