Savills IM appoints Emily Hamilton as Head of ESG
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), the international real estate investment manager, has appointed Emily Hamilton as its head of environmental, social and governance (ESG).
Emily will be based in London with responsibility for directing Savills IM’s global sustainability strategy, setting the company’s corporate standards and approach to ESG. This will involve working with fund teams across the business at both the portfolio and asset levels; to support these teams with implementing investor ESG requirements; reporting and monitoring; and liaising with tenants and occupiers to fully embed sustainability into their assets and activities.
Savills IM is a signatory of the UN–aligned Principles for Responsible Investment. Since 2014 it has reported transparently against the PRI reporting framework, and in 2020 was awarded the maximum A+ score for Strategy and Governance while maintaining an A for the Property module. The firm is also a member of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, with six funds achieving Green Star status in 2019.
Emily joins Savills IM from Grosvenor Britain & Ireland, part of Grosvenor Group where she was associate director, sustainability, most recently advising on the company's market leading climate change strategy. She began her career as a sustainability consultant at Capita Symonds working on environmental and community infrastructure planning projects before being appointed Sustainability Officer for the University of East London prior to joining Grosvenor in 2013. She has an MSc in Environment, Science and Society from University College London and is a Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Emily has previously held voluntary positions as a Board Director for the Better Buildings Partnership and is currently a mentor with Heart of the City and is a Trustee of the National Park City Foundation, a charity focused on enabling communities in London and other cities to become greener, healthier and wilder. Emily will report to Richard Lake, global head of investment risk at Savills IM.
Alex Jeffrey, Global Chief Executive, Savills IM, commented:
“ESG has rapidly risen to a prominent place in investor priorities. As a real estate investment manager, we are aware of the impact we have not just on the environment, but also on local communities. We also recognise that transparency and disclosure are a crucial part of operating in a responsible way. This is why promoting and enforcing environmental, social and corporate governance is a key part of both of our investment framework as well as a central pillar in our responsibility towards investors, clients, employees and the wider community.”
Richard Lake, Global Head of Investment Risk, Savills IM, commented:
We are delighted that Emily has joined us to oversee our sustainability strategy across our 17 offices globally. She has a distinguished record in directing sustainability strategies and is personally dedicated to promoting ESG principles. Her expertise will be invaluable in ensuring Savills IM continues to embed strong ESG principles and actions into every facet of the business.
Emily Hamilton, Head of ESG, Savills IM, commented:
“Real estate investment managers have a pivotal role to play in promoting sustainability and corporate governance, especially with regards to addressing the joint climate and ecological crises and creating a better society. I am delighted to be taking on a role in which I can help to achieve a substantial positive impact.”

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