VIBE with first signed lease agreement
Prestige PR
Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|| |i.wisniewska|
508 927 958
MDDP Outsourcing, a modern firm specializing in accounting, HR, payroll and tax services, has chosen to expand its office space in Warsaw, opting for a new location. The company will now occupy the top two floors of the VIBE office building, currently under development by Ghelamco. The leased area totals approximately 2,000 sq m, marking the first signed lease in the VIBE complex. The completion of the first phase of the complex is anticipated in Q2 2024. Avison Young represented MDDP Outsourcing throughout the negotiation process.
As one of the largest Polish companies offering accounting and payroll outsourcing services, MDDP Outsourcing's decision to relocate signifies more than just a change of address - it represents another significant stride in the company's dynamic development. The company has chosen to nearly double the size of its headquarters.
"This change is not only a reflection of our past success but, above all, an investment in the future. The expanded office space will enable us to further grow our team of experts and better tailor the office to the demands of today's market. We understand that a well-designed workspace not only correlates with business processes but also influences the well-being of employees - ultimately contributing to the quality of services provided.
The new office is also a symbol of our commitment to continuous development, innovation and raising standards in the industry. We believe, that the space we create will foster creativity and further growth, allowing us to offer even better solutions in the fields of accounting and payroll." - comments Rafał Michniewicz, Partner at MDDP Outsourcing.
VIBE is situated on Towarowa Street, in the business hub around Daszyński Roundabout, where several other projects by Ghelamco are located, including The Warsaw HUB, Warsaw Unit, Warsaw Spire, and the currently under-construction The Bridge.
The VIBE office complex is planned to ultimately consist of two buildings. The first, standing at approximately 45 meters in height, is set to be operational in the second quarter of 2024. The second building, reaching a height of 95 meters, is currently in the design phase.
"VIBE embraces modern solutions that align with ESG requirements. To meet these standards, we utilize advanced monitoring and management systems for energy and building comfort parameters. We also place significant emphasis on the materials used in our buildings. In the VIBE, we integrated low-emission concrete into the foundation slab and shear walls, reducing CO2 emissions across the entire structure by nearly 40%. The property will also feature enhanced infrastructure to support commuting by bicycle or electric vehicles. These, among many other solutions, have been implemented to meet the highest standards in sustainable construction and create a user-friendly and creative space that occupants will enjoy returning to. This project, with its intimate scale, will particularly appeal to tenants valuing a unique atmosphere in a location dominated by office towers. We warmly welcome MDDP Outsourcing, our first tenant, on board!" - adds Jarosław Zagórski, Managing Director at Ghelamco Poland.
The MDDP Outsourcing case serves as an illustration that, even in the era of hybrid work, office spaces remain essential. Companies that are expanding their operations still find the need for additional space.
"The example of MDDP Outsourcing illustrates that, even in the era of hybrid work, office spaces remain needed - companies expanding their structures still require more space. The prime location of office buildings, such as in the case of the VIBE, is an important factor attracting employees to the offices." - adds Maks Sobczak, Associate Director, Office Agency at Avison Young.

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