Walter Herz is expanding its Investment Advisory department
Prestige PR
Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|| |i.wisniewska|
508 927 958
This year, Piotr Wilewski joined Walter Herz Investment Advisory Department as Land Acquisition Manager.
Piotr has been involved in the real estate market for 10 years. He gained his first professional skills at Indepro Nieruchomości agency, and then continued his career at Less Mess Storage, as well as Panattoni Europe. He is an expert in acquiring land properties for the residential, service and warehouse sectors in Poland. During his career, he was responsible for acquiring and analyzing investment land in terms of legal, financial and architectural planning. He was responsible for coordinating due diligence processes, conducting negotiations and preparing and concluding preliminary contracts. In the search for investment areas, he developed cooperation with market advisors.
At Walter Herz, Piotr Wilewski is responsible for acquiring land projects, preparing analyses of investment potential and searching for ways to build real estate value. His responsibilities also include preparing new investments in formal terms, as well as legal and technical documentation. Piotr will take an active part in advisory processes for the company's clients, aimed at finding the most optimal investment solutions in the current economic environment.
– I am convinced that Piotr will quickly get on top of implementing current processes and will quickly integrate with the Investment Advisory team. His extensive experience and knowledge of the market, as well as excellent expertise on the investment process will expand the team's qualifications. We want to reinforce relationships with our clients based on extensive knowledge and experience. Piotr's skills will certainly support the delivery of strategic consulting services, precisely tailored to the expectations of our clients - says Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner, CEO of Walter Herz.
– I started working in such a renowned team with great satisfaction. Walter Herz creates numerous possibilities for development. I am glad to have the opportunity to support company's clients who are looking for various options to optimize and develop their business, creating offers for them and advising them on the implementation of investment projects - says Piotr Wilewski, Land Acquisition Manager at Walter Herz.
Walter Herz has been expanding its Investment Advisory and Land Development departments regularly for the last 7 years. The team is consolidating its market position and developing strategic consulting in the dynamically changing economic conditions. It provides integrated services in the field of acquiring, securing and preparing land and projects in the commercial, warehouse and housing sectors in formal and legal aspect, as well as in the area of implementing procedures.
Walter Herz advised on the sale of real estate worth over PLN 1 billion and supported the implementation of JV investments worth over PLN 500 million. Walter Herz's team of advisors took part in creating investment projects and obtaining financing for investments in the PRS, hotel and student housing sectors.

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