Komunikaty PR

Helping Hand platform supports companies in implementing an ESHG strategy

2021-12-15  |  13:00
Biuro prasowe
  • Managers of the Helping Hand platform stress the need to expand ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) to include Health (Environment Social Health Governance).
  • Helping Hand is one of the first projects in Poland enabling organizations to implement an ESHG strategy.
  • “Four Steps to Wellbeing”—the Helping Hand platform has created a proprietary program to support employee mental health.

Taking care of employees is vital today because it is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the entire company. Investing in the physical health and mental wellbeing of employees also has a direct impact on business results. Experience from organizations shows that companies that have prioritized health, both physical and mental, in the wake of past local and global crises have not only witnessed reduced burnout among their employees but also increased productivity and job satisfaction.

For these reasons, concern for the wellbeing of employees is increasingly taken into account not only in implementation of one-off projects, but is becoming an element of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) strategy introduced by companies. The social dimension of ESG, which has so far been limited to environmental issues and good governance practices, is increasingly being extended to include health aspects.

Helping Hand, an online platform with original programs, therapeutic content, and modern technological solutions, is one of the first projects in Poland enabling companies to implement an ESHG (Environment Social Health Governance) strategy, i.e. ESG policy with the added health dimension.

“Organizations today, in Poland and worldwide, must grow even more responsibly and sustainably than before,” says Aleksandra Tokarewicz, Chief Product & Sales Officer and management board member in the company managing the Helping Hand platform. “However, this responsibility should increasingly address not only environmental but also social factors, which were particularly highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Caring for the health and wellbeing of employees has never been more important to the overall condition of a company. I am confident that business should go a step further and expand the area of ESG to include health (H), which is so important today. Organizations need to include in their strategies activities in the field of Environment Social Health Governance and implement them with full responsibility not only for their own employees, but for the whole society.”

The Helping Hand platform offers mental health support using a four-step approach. “Four Steps to Wellbeing” is Helping Hand’s proprietary, comprehensive assistance program, where each user of the platform can diagnose their problem at the very first step, and then work to solve it.

The first step on the path to wellbeing is psychoeducation. Users of the platform can anonymously access more than 100 educational videos as well as original videos and articles developed by a team of 40 experienced psychologists and licensed therapists. The second stage is personal development. Within the platform, users who want to gain psychosocial skills have access to webinars, development workshops, and self-diagnostic tools. The third step in the process is consultation with experts. The app already has over 100 registered psychologists and therapists who are ready to help. Helping Hand also provides support groups that users can access 24/7. The fourth stage is psychotherapy. For those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, addictions, emotional problems, relationship issues, and other troubles that make daily life difficult, the Helping Hand platform offers access to proven therapists in the form of individual consultations or online therapy.

The Helping Hand program is mainly aimed at companies that want to provide their employees psychoeducation and self-therapy tools and help them benefit from individual online therapies.

About Helping Hand

Helping Hand is a mental health support platform that leverages modern technology solutions. Platform users can anonymously access over 100 educational videos and articles created by experienced psychologists and licensed therapists, self-therapy tools, webinars and interactive meetings with experts (such as chats and private messages). They may also choose individual consultations with psychologists and online therapy. There are over 100 psychologists and therapists registered on the app. Helping Hand’s offer is primarily aimed at companies wishing to provide psychological support to their employees and their families. The expanded B2B module is based on a cafeteria system, enabling the employer to freely manage and control the budget allocated for employee support. This is the only such solution available in Poland.

The platform is managed by an experienced team of experts in health, employee benefits, digital solutions, and modern technologies. The management board of the company that owns the platform includes Bernard Gołko, President of the Management Board and Chief Digital Officer, and Aleksandra Tokarewicz, who leads Product and Sales. The work of 40 psychologists and licensed therapists who create the platform’s original content and therapeutic programs is supervised by Milena Grela-Parandyk, a psychologist and therapist with many years of experience.

In October 2021, Helping Hand received the “Eagle of Innovation” in the category “Common-Good Solution” in a competition organized for innovative companies by Rzeczpospolita daily.

Read more about Helping Hand at www.hh24.pl

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