Komunikaty PR

Carlson Investments S.A. with a contract for advisory services for CVI

2021-07-20  |  11:10

Carlson Ventures International Limited (CVI) has entered into an agreement with Carlson Investments S.A. (CISA) for the provision of advisory services performed by Carlson Investments S.A.'s team for CVI regarding the coordination of investment activities within the framework of the investment in the Fund ASI EVIG ALFA sp. z o.o. sp.k. (EVIG ALFA) The contract, concluded for an indefinite period, provides for a base remuneration of EUR 120’000 gross per annum and a percentage fee bonus of up to 30% in favor of Carlson Investment S.A. in the event of investment successes realized by CVI in the framework of investments made through EVIG ALFA.

Carlson Ventures International Limited has made a number of direct and indirect investments in Polish companies, including in ASI EVIG ALFA sp. z o.o. sp.k. VC Fund.The agreement between Carlson Ventures International Limited and CISA was concluded in order to provide advisory and operational support as part of investments made in portfolio companies of EVIG ALFA. Carlson Investments S.A. will support Carlson Ventures International Limited with its knowledge and experience in thein the field of: acquiring new projects, planning and realization of investment exits, negotiations with clients, preparation of agreements and documents, ensuring appropriate KYC and AML, legal consultations and legal representation, support in searching for potential investors, evaluation and consultation of projects together with recommendation as to the choice of the most promising companies with the greatest market potential.

"We are starting an active and strategic advisory cooperation, in which we intend to actively share with CVI our rich know-how in the field of analysis and assessment of market potential of individual entities. The activities will include, among others, support of activities carried out by ASI EVIG ALFA sp. z o.o. sp.k. VC Fund  within Bridge Alfa Project. The aim is to achieve synergies in the operation of both entities and optimal use of broad competences possessed by our team" - comments Aleksander Gruszczyński, President of the Management Board at Carlson Investments S.A.

Carlson Investments aspires to be a leading player in the European startup investment market. The company intends to significantly increase its investment portfolio in 2021 and 2022. The company is currently listed on the Warsaw and Frankfurt stock exchanges and its plans also include moving to one of the Nasdaq markets and direct investments on foreign markets.  This year Carlson Investments S.A. jointly with EVIG ALFA intends to have in its investment portfolio a minimum of 25 technology companies from the fintech, medtech and biotech sectors.

The main shareholder of Carlson Investments S.A. is the VC fund Carlson Ventures International Limited, established in 2006 and managed by an investor from Monaco, Mr. Artur Piotr Jedrzejewski, with the initial capital of USD 100 million. Carlson Ventures International is also the largest shareholder (Limited Partner) of EVIG ALFA, successfully investing in start-ups on the Polish market.

"With the new agreement we have been able to structure and systematize the relationships within our capital group. Thus, we are entering into an active and close advisory cooperation in which we will share with Carlson Ventures International  ("CVI") our competences and experience in the field of analysis and assessment of the market potential of key entities in the portfolio or aspiring to be in the portfolio of ASI Evig Alfa VC Fund . This cooperation is strategic and crucial, with the aim of achieving the maximum return on the investments made by CVI and Carlson Investments SA simultaneously. This step is for us one of the basic undertakings formalizing the cooperation between our Company, Carlson Ventures International and Evig Alfa." – Artur Piotr Jedrzejewski – CEO of CVI adds.


About Carlson Investment S.A.

Carlson Investments S.A. is an investment company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange. The aim of the company is to invest in companies of a technological nature, characterized by product or process innovation with global marketplace. The company focuses on investing in FinTech, MedTech, BioTech and CleanTech companies. Carlson Investments has an international and comprehensively experienced investment team, which influences the maximum effectiveness of the projects in which it invests. The operating model is based on active support for the development of portfolio companies.

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