Freya Capital—a new investment fund in Poland
Freya Capital is a venture capital fund that aims to provide investment support to early-stage companies. The fund has been selected in the latest edition of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) Starter programme. The total capitalization of Freya Capital is PLN 64 million.
Freya Capital intends to invest in seed/early-stage companies operating in Europe, with high growth potential and plans to expand into international markets. In the course of its cooperation the fund will support enterprises on the merits and business-wise, benefiting from the knowledge of its partners.
Freya Capital was established by a team of experienced entrepreneurs—Hubert Anyżewski, Zbigniew Barwicz, Jan Grochowicz and Michał Lewandowski—who, prior to establishing Freya Capital, had founded, developed and sold more than 10 companies with a total value exceeding PLN 800 million.
The fund’s founders have also completed or participated in more than 100 transactions of various types, from seed financing, through subsequent financing rounds, to exits with a total value of over PLN 3.7 billion. As a result, the managing partners of Freya Capital have extensive international experience running businesses and developing various companies, including startups. In their careers to date, they have participated in all the key stages of development of modern companies, in Poland and abroad, as investors, advisers and managers. Combining these experiences and cooperating with many international players (from Europe, Canada, the US and Asia), Freya Capital offers its partners not only capital commitment, but also comprehensive product, business and operational support.
“Freya Capital was established to support young Polish companies not only financially, but also on the merits, by offering them a ‘smart money package,’” said Zbigniew Barwicz, Cofounder and Managing Partner of Freya Capital. “The founders of startups are experts primarily in the products or services they offer, but not very often in the area of business development. We want to help them by continuing and developing what we have been doing for over 25 years. Each of Freya Capital’s founders has experience building their own businesses and working on Polish and international business projects. We know and understand the market environment, so we know how to properly prepare the business for scaling and obtaining subsequent financing rounds. Our long-term goal is to support about 25 companies. We can allocate up to PLN 4 million for the development of each project. In the case of larger projects we do not exclude joint investments with other funds.”
The total capitalization of the fund, which operates under the Polish Development Fund (PFR) Starter programme, is PLN 64 million. For the development of its activity, Freya Capital received the maximum amount of funding available to a single entity in PFR Ventures grants.
About Freya Capital
Freya Capital is a venture capital fund based in Warsaw whose aim is to support entities seeking financing for development of innovation and technology. The fund invests primarily in seed/early-stage projects and does not limit its investment activities to strictly defined sectors and industries. The Freya Capital fund invests in projects across Europe.
The Freya Capital fund was established in 2021 by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, Hubert Anyżewski, Zbigniew Barwicz, Jan Grochowicz and Michał Lewandowski, who have been involved in the international financial and investment market for more than a decade.
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