Neo Natolin to welcome first residents as early as August
Real Management S.A. is completing the construction of the first stage of the high-end single-family house estate Neo Natolin, which comprises 84 houses. The handover of premises to the first residents will begin in August. The investment is being developed in Warsaw’s Wilanów district, in Stefana Korbońskiego street.
The construction of the Neo Natolin estate, a project of the Real Management S.A. development group in the single-family housing category, is being carried out as per the agreed schedule. The company is currently completing construction work on the first stage of the development of semi-detached single-family homes located in Warsaw's Wilanów district.
‘We are very pleased with the progress of the work and proud that our offer has met with such great interest. Sales at the level of 95% demonstrate that the project focused on the construction of high-end single-family houses has won the approval of customers looking for a unique place to live. We are looking forward to the moment when we can hand over the keys to the first residents. Let me also add that we are just in the process of preparing to start the second stage of construction,’ says Arkadiusz Płociński, vice president of Real Management S.A.
The handover of premises and handing in the keys to new Neo Natolin residents will begin in August and last until the end of September 2024. The property developer expects the first tenants to move in before Christmas this year.
Neo Natolin is an estate of high-end semi-detached single-family houses in Warsaw. The development stands apart for its elegant and modern architecture and top-quality solutions that provide neighbouring families with privacy and numerous amenities. The houses are connected to each other only by garages, ensuring maximum privacy for the residents. Each house has its own plot ranging from approximately 580 sq m to 990 sq m with 70% of the biologically active area. The estate plan provides for numerous green spaces, public squares, a pond or nooks with structural landscaping elements.
The development, which features a variety of environmentally friendly solutions, has been carried out with care for the environment from the outset. Each house is equipped with heat pumps, heat recovery recuperation, infrastructure for photovoltaic systems or space for the installation of an EV charger. All these solutions and amenities will promote energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.
Schools (including some of the most prestigious in Warsaw), kindergartens, medical centres, large grocery stores, the Galeria Ursynów shopping mall and restaurants are all within short distance of the development. In turn, thanks to the Neo Natolin’s proximity to areas such as the Natolin Forest Nature Reserve and the Kabaty Forest, the estate will provide its residents with access to green spaces and offer many recreational and sporting opportunities. The development is well connected to the centre of Warsaw and provides a convenient connection to the outskirts of the city. Owing to readily available public transport stops, the residents can reach the metro station in just a few minutes. The proximity of the S2 route is also a major advantage.
The estate was designed by the renowned architectural studio APA Wojciechowski. Internity Home will support future residents with interior design.
The Neo Natolin housing estate is yet another development by Real Management built as single-family houses. The company’s portfolio also includes the Chojnów Residences and the Pałacowa Residences.
To find out more about the investment, see:
Real Management S.A. is a rapidly growing development company established in 2002. The company’s business focuses on the manufacturing, industrial and residential property sectors. Innovation and effective management are factors enabling the company to continuously grow and expand in the real property sector. Since its inception, Real Management S.A. has completed commercial and residential projects totalling 265,000 m2. These include the Bolero Office Park complex, the premium single-family housing estates Rezydencje Pałacowa and Rezydencje Chojnów, the Good Point logistics and industrial centres, and the Przyczółkowa Vis a Vis and Point.44 convenience parks.
In line with its strategic goals for the next four years, Real Management S.A. plans to develop a further 500,000 m2 of modern logistics and industrial space under the Good Point brand and 44,000 m2 of residential space in Warsaw as part of the Neo Natolin premium single-family housing development.
Real Management S.A. is a member of the Polish Association of Developers.

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