Komunikaty PR

New brands in LIXA City Gardens

2024-04-16  |  10:05
Biuro prasowe
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The Rico restaurant, the Ramenownia ramen place and LunaSkin beauty parlour are the three brands to have joined the tenant roster of the LIXA City Gardens retail concept, which has been arranged in the LIXA office complex near Warsaw’s Daszyński Roundabout. Yareal Polska, based on new agreements, has leased over 550 m2 of modern service and retail space.

The Rico is a reputable and highly popular Warsaw restaurant offering tex-mex cuisine. Its brand new version (once it moves from Al. Jana Pawła II) will open up for guests at the turn of 2024/2025 in LIXA City Gardens. The restaurant will occupy premises of 318 m2 in the LIXA D building from the public walkway.

In addition, LIXA D will house Ramenownia, which will open in November 2024. The entrance to the restaurant will be located from the side of Giełdowa street. Ramenownia is a culinary concept originated in Łódź. It stands apart for its unique approach to traditional Japanese ramen using the highest quality ingredients, including noodles made from a special blend of flours imported from Japan. The restaurant will occupy nearly 100 m2 and will be the first premises of the Ramenownia brand in Warsaw.

It is LIXA City Gardens that will house the first LunaSkin beauty parlour in Poland. The brand offers dedicated solutions in laser hair removal and body contouring, among others. LunaSkin, widely recognized in the Baltic countries, Latvia and Estonia, will start its operations in Poland in September 2024. Its beauty parlour employing сutting-edge technologies will be arranged on 133 m2 of space in LIXA E, from the side of Kasprzaka street.

‘Since the very beginning of our works on the LIXA concept, it has been our aim to create a space providing not only modern and highest quality work environment for the tenants, but also helping to integrate the local community by offering them a place to meet and spend their free time. We are truly pleased that our bespoke retail concept LIXA City Gardens is so popular with new tenants. They enrich and at the same time perfectly complement the offer of our complex, including F&B as well as the retail and service outlets. We are proud that LIXA City Gardens attracts brands with long-standing presence on the capital’s market, looking for development opportunities, as well as those making their debut in Warsaw and even in Poland,’ said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.

LIXA City Gardens creates a new urban fabric and a unique public space, open for both the office employees, local community and guests along with clients looking for an interesting place to spend their free time and unwind. The concept features 4,000 m2 of modern space on the ground floors of the individual buildings (including along the 150-metre-long public walkway) dedicated to numerous retail and food and beverage outlets. The commercialization of the LIXA City Gardens concept is coming to an end, and Yareal Polska is currently finalizing the last lease agreements.

The LIXA office campus has been developed in stages in the Warsaw business hub in the close Wola district, just a short walking distance from the Rondo Daszyńskiego metro station. The campus was designed by the renowned architectural studio HRA Architekci. The Buildings of the LIXA office campus are certified with an Excellent rating under the BREEAM green building system. In addition, the LIXA development was awarded the WELL Health-Safety certificate, confirming its high standard of safety procedures. LIXA is also committed to the highest quality of digital connectivity and smart technology in the buildings, as documented by certification according to WiredScore criteria (the LIXA C building has been awarded this prestigious technology certificate at the highest Platinum level). Furthermore, LIXA buildings C, D and E are currently being reviewed under the AirRated and Active Score certification process. The LIXA complex comprises five buildings totalling 77,000 m2.

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