Komunikaty PR

APPTIO Poland is moving its headquarters to Cracow's BRAIN Park

2023-06-23  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

APPTIO, a global provider of Technology Business Management - TBM solutions and FinOps, allowing companies to plan and optimize spending on technologies, is moving its headquarters to BRAIN Park, an Echo Investment project located in Cracow. Walter Herz advised the tenant in the relocation process.

APPTIO Poland company, a member of the APPTIO INC Group, has leased the entire floor - nearly 1,800 sq m. in an office building, which is part of the first stage of the Brain Park complex in Cracow.

APPTIO has been providing business solutions based on the latest technologies since 2007, offering comprehensive services to companies that want to optimize their IT expenses. Taking advantage of the boom in TBM and FinOps solutions, the company is expanding its operations in the EMEA region, implementing a plan of strategic expansion in 12 countries.

APPTIO has over 20 offices around the world. In Europe, the Group is present, among others, in the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy and Germany. Over 60 percent of companies from the Fortune 100 list, entrusted them with managing the expenses of their entire technology portfolio. In Poland, the company employs over 120 people and plans further expansion.

- The gradual development of APPTIO's operations in Poland is part of the further stable growth of the entire organization and allows us to provide comprehensive support to global clients. The opening of the new office is connected with the expansion of the company's service portfolio and dynamic development in the EMEA region - says Dominika Majcherczyk, EMEA Facility Manager at APPTIO Poland. – BRAIN Park provides a high standard of space, the latest technical solutions and attractively arranged recreational zones on the premises. The selected location meets our expectations related to the comfort of work. Favorable lease conditions, obtained thanks to the support of Walter Herz advisors, also spoke in favor of moving the headquarters to this complex – says Majcherczyk.

– We provided APPTIO Poland with comprehensive consulting support throughout the entire process of relocating the headquarters, including seeking and selecting location, as well as negotiating financial and legal lease terms. We also helped with the selection of office equipment. We wish to thank the company for a great cooperation, which resulted in the smooth implementation of the change, giving us great satisfaction - says Kamil Kowalewski, Associate Director at Walter Herz.

- Leading Polish and international companies looking for modern and well-located office space are choosing to lease space in our complex. I am glad that APPTIO Poland is among them. The company’s team will certainly appreciate the opportunities offered by BRAIN Park. This project is the essence of our previous experiences. As a result, we are able to offer a modern workspace, providing many solutions to support the safety, comfort and well-being of employees. The location of the property provides access to everyday services. The quality is also improved by the green space of the common areas arranged within the complex, says Marcin Gawlik, senior leasing manager in the commercial projects department of Echo Investment, responsible for finalizing the transaction.

BRAIN Park, located at the intersection of Aleja Pokoju and Fabryczna Streets in Cracow, will ultimately provide a GLA of over 43 thousand sq m. The complex will consist of three ten-storey buildings with a two-level underground garage. The office buildings have been designed in accordance with the BREEAM certification guidelines. The investment, still in the design phase, received a high rating of Excellent, introducing many solutions, e.g. supporting energy and water saving, waste management policy and minimizing the facility's impact on the environment. The buildings have been equipped with a dedicated air monitoring and purification system that improves air quality.

BRAIN Park will provide a green, open patio. In addition to places to rest and eat outdoors, it will provide, among others, a place to play table tennis, chess tables, swings, as well as space for street workout activities.

Echo Investment project will include 5 terraces for the exclusive use of tenants, 485 parking spaces, 34 electric car charging stations, charging stations for bicycles and electric scooters, as well as bicycle racks, locker rooms and showers for cyclists.

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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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