Komunikaty PR

Avison Young launches Office Agency Department and welcomes team of experts

2022-10-11  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Since launching its presence in Poland in 2019, global real estate advisor Avison Young has been providing a growing roster of clients with investment advisory and technical advisory / project management services. Following a service line expansion in August 2021 to include Valuation and Advisory, Avison Young continues this momentum and is announcing its latest investment in growth.

On October 1 this year, Avison Young will welcome a team of market experts and launch a new - Office Agency service. The new team members’ experience will allow Avison Young to smoothly enter a market segment, providing an enhanced service offer to clients and further cementing its presence in the region.

Marta Sypiańska, Robert Pastuszka, Maksymilian Sobczak and Przemysław Urbański join the team.

Robert Pastuszka (taking the role of Director), has over 20 years of experience in the real estate market. Currently he is specialized mostly in tenant representation in the fields of office space rental and property purchase. A significant number of his clients are public institutions. He has cooperated with such clients as: Public Transport Authority, Comp S.A., Hochtief Polska S.A, Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw, Markant Polska, Mitsubishi Motors (MMC Car Poland), Maspex Group, e-Service. In his career, he has also gained extensive experience in representing landlords, providing advisory to such companies as Immofinanz or Liebrecht & Wood, giving him an insight into the needs of both sides.

Before joining Avison Young, he worked for almost 9 years at Nuvalu Polska.

Maksymilian Sobczak (taking the role of Associate Director), has been active in the commercial real estate market since 2013. In his professional career, he worked in consulting companies, specializing in tenant representation. He conducted relocation and renegotiation processes in Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków, Rzeszów and Łódź. He also supported landlords in the processes of building commercialization, working for Ghelamco, Liebrecht & Wood, BPH TFI.

Maksymilian has represented clients including Abris Capital Partners, Fujitsu, MDDP Outsourcing, Moet Hennessy Polska and tenants from the public sector - Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Polish national development bank), the General Inspectorate of Road Transport, the Supreme Court, and the Public Procurement Office.

Maksymilian joins Avison Young from Nuvalu Polska.

Przemysław Urbański has been active in the commercial real estate market for 7 years. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Since the beginning of his career in the industry, Przemysław has worked in the tenant representation department, leading relocation and renegotiation processes throughout Poland. So far, he has worked with notable clients, such as – among others - Flying Wild Hog, Fujitsu, Abris Capital Partners, Technical Inspection Office, Moet Hennessy Polska, District Court in Warsaw, Devire.

Before joining the Avison Young team, Przemysław worked at Nuvalu Polska.

Marta Sypiańska is at the beginning of her career in the commercial real estate market. In the Office Agency Department at Avison Young, she will perform junior functions, supporting the work of the entire department in data collection, maintaining databases, preparing offers for clients and supporting transaction processes.

“I am very proud that the development process of Avison Young in Poland is proceeding as planned and a year after the opening of the Valuation Department, we are expanding our services to include Office Agency, - comments Michał Ćwikliński, Principal, Managing Director at Avison Young in Poland - The  new team are renowned market experts with extensive experience, enabling us to better respond to the needs of our clients and present a more complex offer of services."

“Welcoming the new team to expand our office agency capability into Poland is an important step in building out our services as part of ambitious EMEA growth plans, – adds Jason Sibthorpe, Principal and President EMEA at Avison Young. - Their local market expertise and established relationships with leading private and public-sector clients will be backed by our global platform and technology-led insights. This serves the ultimate goal of delivering best-in-class advisory and transactional real estate services in Poland and globally.”


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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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