CA Immo: AstraZeneca to stay longer and in a larger office at Postępu 14 office
- CA Immo has signed a large-scale extension and expansion agreement with international biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca Pharma Poland Sp. z o.o.
- The company will increase its rental space by 3,000 sqm to approximately 21,000 sqm and remains the major tenant of the Postępu 14 office building in Warsaw for another five years.
Warsaw/Vienna. CA Immo has signed a lease extension agreement in the Warsaw office building Postępu 14. AstraZeneca Pharma Poland has decided to stay in the building for another 5 years and lease an additional 3,000 sqm of modern workspace. Consequently, the seat of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland in Warsaw will amount to ca. 21,000 sqm, which represents more than 60% of the building’s entire area.
AstraZeneca is one of the largest global biopharmaceutical companies, providing cutting-edge medicines for the diseases facing modern medicine. It has been present in Poland for 30 years and employs nearly 2,300 people locally. The Warsaw branch of the company, which has been operating in the Postępu 14 building since 2016, is significantly expanding again.
‘This agreement was concluded less than a year after we purchased the building in 2020, which confirms our investment decision. The Postępu 14 office building is a great asset in terms of quality and location, meeting the expectations of well-known, international companies. I would like to thank the Management Team of AstraZeneca for their trust and we look forward to further fruitful cooperation,’ said Andrzej Mikołajczyk, Managing Director at CA Immo Poland.
‘Postępu 14 has been home to AstraZeneca Warsaw Site since 2016 and is an integral part of our ambition to create a Great Place To Work. Thanks to the new agreement, we are significantly expanding our office space and can expand it in the future to make it even more functional and comfortable for our employees. Our long-term presence at Postępu 14 is also a confirmation of our potential for further development in Poland’, emphasized Michał Janik, Warsaw Site Senior Director at AstraZeneca Pharma Poland.
The tenant was advised by CBRE in the negotiation process.
Postępu 14 is one of the most modern office buildings in the business part of Mokotów, offering almost 34,500 sqm of space for lease and 775 underground parking spaces. The building stands apart for its environment-friendly solutions, confirmed by a BREEAM Final certificate at the Excellent level, including wind power supply, complete cycling infrastructure, electric vehicle charging stations, energy-efficient lifts and lighting, as well as the use of rainwater to irrigate the greenery and cool the air conditioning. The Postępu 14 building was completed in 2015. The ten-storey office building, built on an H-shaped plan, also features a very large typical floor area of 4,300 sqm. In addition to friendly and efficient workspaces, there is a restaurant, café, canteen, grocery store, print shop and drugstore in the building.
The Postępu 14 building, with its exposure at the intersection of Marynarska and Postępu streets, provides convenient access to numerous bus and tram connections, and is only 6 minutes from Warsaw Chopin Airport and 15 minutes from the centre of Warsaw. A station for the SKM and KM commuter rail networks is also located nearby. In the vicinity of the facility there are numerous service premises, medical clinics, leisure centres and hotels. Additionally, Galeria Mokotów, located nearby, offers a wide range of shops, cafés and restaurants.
Apart of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, the building’s tenants include e.g. Samsung, Ekoenergetyka and Ikano Bank.

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