Komunikaty PR

Eurotronic chooses Oxygen Park

2024-01-22  |  13:00
Biuro prasowe

Eurotronic has joined the tenant roster at Oxygen Park in Warsaw. Eurotronic, a leader in providing IT solutions to support asset management, has leased almost 280 m2 of space in the office complex owned by Golden Star Group. Eurotronic has occupied offices on the 5th floor of Building B, and the lease has been signed for five years.

Eurotronic is a leading company in Europe delivering IT solutions to support comprehensive management of assets (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)), including all types of technical facilities and systems, real estate, vehicles, and infrastructure. The company employs a stable and experienced team of top specialists with IT qualifications and skills as well as in-depth knowledge and understanding of state-of-the-art technologies, trends and best practice in asset maintenance, logistics and automation systems. The company also develops services for comprehensive building automation and monitoring solutions. Its portfolio includes projects completed for more than 200 clients and 7,000 users effectively managing their technical assets not only in Poland, but also in Czechia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia.

Katarzyna Marciniak, Asset Operational Manager at Golden Star Group, said: “We are truly pleased that Eurotronic sees its future at Oxygen Park and has become a new tenant at our complex. Our satisfaction is even greater since Eurotronic will move its offices from another building on Aleje Jerozolimskie. Winning over a tenant who knows this part of Warsaw so well provides the best evidence of the attractiveness of Oxygen Park’s location and the quality of the solutions we offer. Oxygen Park is a great example of a facility where a green working environment has been brought to the fore. With its numerous amenities, natural greenery and top-notch technology solutions, Oxygen Park is a complex that fulfils the expectations of any business looking for comfortable and modern offices. I am confident that the entire team will feel at home at Oxygen Park, while the creative work environment will help Eurotronic flourish in the new location.”

The Eurotronic’s office space is on the 5th floor of Building B and covers almost 280 m2. The Eurotronic team moved into the new space at the end of 2023. The lease agreement has been signed for five years. The tenant was advised by Woodlark during the negotiation process.

The offering of the Oxygen Park office building was a natural choice for us due to its location and modern character. This is a very important step for us in the further development of our business in Poland. Oxygen Park is an exceptional building which offers not only spacious and comfortable offices, but also myriads of amenities for employees. The amenities will allow us to create even better working conditions for our team. We are confident that our cooperation with the Oxygen Park office building will contribute to the improvement of our business efficiency,” comments Krzysztof Tomaszewicz, CEO of Eurotronic in Poland.

Oxygen Park is a modern office complex, located directly on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw’s business district. The project consists of two six-storey buildings with a total leasable area of over 18,000 m2. The fully glazed façade guarantees maximum access to daylight, and tilt windows enable ventilation of the rooms. The layout of each floor permits the introduction of flexible office solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding tenants. The environment-friendly solutions applied in the complex have been confirmed with a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level.

In addition to top-quality office space, Oxygen Park’s tenants also have at their disposal a green patio with a relaxation zone, a canteen, and retail and service outlets. The project also features 162 parking spaces in the underground garage, bicycle racks and locker rooms with showers.

Thanks to its location on one of Warsaw’s key thoroughfares, the complex can be conveniently reached from any place in Warsaw and surroundings, by car or public transport, including Warsaw Commuter Rail (WKD) (proximity of the WKD Raków rail station). The complex is just 7 km from both Warsaw Chopin Airport and the city centre. An additional advantage of Oxygen Park’s location is the proximity of several shopping malls, including Reduta and Blue City, as well as Leclerc and Makro supermarkets.

The architectural design of Oxygen Park was created by the renowned studio JEMS Architekci. The project was delivered in 2013. In addition to Eurotronic, the tenants at Oxygen Park include such companies as Agfa, DiaSorin, Parker Hannifin, PHINIA, Sodexo and Nieruchomości Plus.

Golden Star Group is an investment company that has been operating in the global real estate market for 20 years. Combining international experience and industry expertise, Golden Star Group focuses on acquiring real estate and adding value to its acquisitions through lease and management. The company specializes in high-return investments in the retail, office and luxury hospitality segments.

Golden Star Group’s portfolio includes projects with a total value exceeding EUR 1.5 billion, in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Czechia. The Polish portfolio includes Konstruktorska Business Center, Oxygen Park and LIM Centre in Warsaw and DOT Office in Kraków.


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