Komunikaty PR

Infinity office building has commenced

2021-03-04  |  10:00
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Do pobrania Infinity ( 0.06 MB )

The construction of a slurry wall as part of the construction of the Infinity office building in Wrocław has begun. The state-of-the-art office project, which is being developed in the very heart of Wrocław, at John Paul II Square (the junction of Legnicka and Nabycińska Streets), will offer in total almost 22,000 sqm. of leasable area. Eiffage Polska Budownictwo S.A. is responsible for the implementation of the current stage of works. The investment is scheduled to be completed in Q1 2023.

So far, as part of the Infinity project, certain systems conflicting with the building have been reconstructed. They comprise, for instance, heating and electrical power networks, as well as infrastructure installations. Archaeological research has also been carried out by a team of experts, who have extensive knowledge of the specific nature and history of the very centre of Wrocław.

We are very pleased to announce the start of construction works at Infinity. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic wave, which significantly prolonged the administrative processes and a difficult business environment, we have recently seen a significant increase in interest in leasing the office space and therefore we believe now is the right time to launch this fantastic project. The preparation phase is over and it is with enthusiasm we have started the construction of the slurry wall. According to our schedule, the building will be ready for tenants in early 2023,” said Roger Dunlop, CEO Avestus Real Estate.

Infinity will be a seven-storey truly A Class building offering 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of retail space and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces. With cyclists in mind, 120 bicycle stands will be provided in a closed-off zone including changing rooms and showers. The office building will be BREEAM Excellent.

“Infinity is Wroclaw’s most exciting office developments today combining top quality space, unique architecture and the very best  location in the heart of Wrocław. We believe in this project and are convinced that Infinity will be the best opportunity for companies looking for ultra modern and secure offices in the new post-COVID era. Wroclaw is one of the most dynamic and growing office markets in Poland and we believe now is the time to launch this quality building in the market to capture companies that will be expanding post the pandemic,” commented Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Country Manager Avestus Real Estate in Poland.

Infinity will be distinguished by its leading modern architectural form, which perfectly promotes modern office space needs and resembles an infinity sign, an impressive lobby with a specially arranged place for guests visiting the building, as well as a spacious terrace on the roof of the building. The Infinity architectural design was prepared by AHR Architects. The project will be commercialized by JLL. The entire project is scheduled to be completed in Q1 2023.

Wrocław is one of the most promising office markets in Central and Eastern Europe. This is illustrated by the number of tenants from the modern business services sector which have a presence in city. The Financial Times also recognized Wrocław in its Best Cities for Direct Investment rankings. Lower Silesia’s capital was ranked 15th in the "cities of the future" category and 1st in the “small and medium-sized cities” category. This is further proof that Wrocław is a great place to invest in office projects of the highest quality. One of these projects will certainly be the Infinity office building, which JLL has the pleasure to commercialize”, said Katarzyna Krokosińska, Director of the JLL Office in Wrocław.

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