LaSoft in OFF Piotrkowska
Prestige PR
Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|| |i.wisniewska|
508 927 958
LaSoft, an agency providing a full circle web and mobile development, has leased 360 sq m. of space in the OFF Piotrkowska complex in Łódź. In this prestigious location in Łódź, the company established the third office after Wroclaw and Lviv. Walter Herz team provided LaSoft - Web & Mobile Development Agency with comprehensive services in the lease process.
This year, over 30 % of the agency’s operations have been moved from Ukraine to Poland, including a significant part of the team. LaSoft team comprises over 150 people, including software engineers, UI/UX designers, product managers, quality assurance specialists, and DevOps engineers - server infrastructure experts. The agency's team works with clients worldwide, providing web and mobile development, product design, cloud deployment, business analysis and project specification, project management, and technical partner support.
- Łódź is one of the key markets in Poland and at the same time an exciting city, which is why we decided to open our second office in Poland here. When looking for a location for a new branch, it was essential for us to make this place friendly to our team and clients. Such working conditions are provided by the OFF Piotrkowska office complex, one of the city's architectural symbols. The unique nature of the facility distinguishes it from the other buildings on the business map of Łódź. We are incredibly pleased with the choice of such a creative place and the rapid implementation of the lease process, which enabled us to open a branch in Łódź in no time - says Natalie Semenova, Head of Quality Assurance Office at LaSoft.
- We appreciate the trust that LaSoft placed in us at a crucial moment in its operations. During the lease process, which included comprehensive consulting, we got to know the specifics of the work and the company's needs in depth. Therefore, we could choose the most optimal location for the team working in Poland and provide them with a comfortable and attractive working environment. We would also like to thank the company for the opportunity to participate in the ceremonial inauguration of the new branch of the company. The event was also attended by the representatives of the City of Łódź Municipality from the department responsible for the development of investor relations in the agglomeration - says Tomasz Medygrał, Associate Director in the Landlord Representation department at Walter Herz.
OFF Piotrkowska is a mixed-use complex located at Piotrkowska Street in Łódź, on the former Franciszek Ramisch spinning and weaving mill site. The original nineteenth-century post-industrial facility, located in the heart of the city, has retained the unique atmosphere of the old factory interiors. The restored buildings of the historic plant provide stylish space for arranging modern office space in a creative environment with direct access to many services, including restaurants and cafes. OFF Piotrkowska came out first in the "7 new wonders of Poland" contest organized by National Geographic Traveler. It was awarded for ‘remarkable, magical spaces that gained a new life.’
About LaSoft
LaSoft has been a trusted technology partner for businesses, consulting companies, and startups since 2014. Agency work with partners worldwide, from the USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK to Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. IT developers successfully delivered more than 85 big web projects and continue to support them. In addition, the products they build are used by Top Silicon Valley Companies.
About Walter Herz
Walter Herz company is a leading Polish entity operating in the commercial real estate sector across the country. For ten years, the company has provided comprehensive and strategic investment consulting services for tenants, investors, and real estate owners across the country. Walter Herz experts assist investors, property owners, and tenants. They provide full service to companies from the private and public sectors.
Walter Herz advisors support clients in finding and leasing space and provide consulting in implementing investment projects in the warehouse, office, retail, and hotel sectors.
The company is based in Warsaw and runs regional branches in Cracow and Łódź. Walter Herz has created the Tenant Academy, the first project in Poland, which supports and educates commercial tenants from all over Poland by organizing specialized training meetings. The agency introduced the Code of Good Practice to ensure the highest ethical level of services.
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