Komunikaty PR

Leader of the residential market in Poland leases space in Infinity

2023-10-12  |  10:05
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Dom Development, the largest and one of the first developers operating in the Polish market, has joined the tenant roster of the Infinity office building. The company’s branch office in Wrocław has decided to lease more than 900 sqm. of modern space in the building located at ul. Legnicka 16, adjacent to Jana Pawła II Square. Both the offices and the showroom of Dom Development will be located on the 3rd floor of Infinity, offering a view to the Old Town in Wrocław.

Dom Development S.A. Group is the largest developer in Poland. It completes investment projects for individuals in Warsaw, Wrocław, Kraków and Tricity and the surrounding areas (via the company Euro Styl S.A.). The company’s offering covers both apartments and luxury suites. Dom Construction Sp. z o.o., general contractor for part of the investments, is part of the Group. During its 27-year presence in the market, the Group has delivered over 46,000 apartments and suites. Dom Development S.A. has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006.

The company has been operating in Wrocław since 2008 under the business name of Dom Development Wrocław. To date, it has completed 19 investment projects in the Lower Silesia area, offering almost 2,500 apartments and suites.

We are really pleased that such a renowned and recognisable company as Dom Development has decided to lease offices in Infinity, Wrocław. The acquisition of a tenant representing the real estate market and, at the same time, being an expert in the latest trends and technology innovations is the best proof of the quality of the Infinity office building and the services we offer. Our building stands out not only due to the state-of-the-art office space, but also the surrounding environment that creates excellent conditions for work and business growth,’ said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate..

The new office space and the showroom of Dom Development Wrocław will be arranged on 925 sqm. of space located on the 3rd floor of Infinity. The lease has been signed for 7.5 years. Colliers International and SENDERO Tax & Legal law firm acted as the company’s advisors during the negotiation process, and the landlord was represented by JLL.

Infinity is a seven-storey class A office building offering, among other things, 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of service and retail space, and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces (including electric vehicle charging stations). With cyclists in mind, 128 bicycle stands will be fitted in an enclosed area provided with changing rooms and showers. The building, delivered by Avestus Real Estate in cooperation with its business partner Alchemy Properties, is BREEAM-certified at the Excellent level, and WELL Health-Safety certified, which confirms the high standard of safety procedures.

The Infinity office building features state-of-the-art technologies, including an innovative tenant service platform by spaceOS. Touchless solutions, tilting windows, and top-quality air filters ensure the safety and comfort of the users. Infinity also features an impressive lobby with vegetation inside. Spacious terraces with elements of structural landscaping and greenery have been created on the roof of the building. Everything about the Infinity project—the construction work, the technologies and solutions used, as well as the management of the building—has been carried out in compliance with ESG criteria to guarantee the building’s small carbon footprint and minimize its environmental impact.

In addition to Dom Development Wrocław, the tenants at Infinity include Divante, a global provider of eCommerce solutions; ingage Poland, offering professional investor relations software; and FutureMeds, a company specializing in clinical trials of new drugs and therapies (at Infinity, the company will occupy both retail and office space).

Infinity also contributes to the urban setting, as its public areas and retail and service outlets will be available not only to employees of the complex, but also to the Wrocław community. Leases have already been signed with the Medicover Stomatologia dental clinic, Gorąco Polecam Smaki z Piekarni bakery and café, Żabka convenience store, Toscanizzazione restaurant, and FutureMeds. In addition, part of the first storey will be occupied by the UP Fitness Club with a Mission.

The architectural design of Infinity was prepared by AD Studio, Eiffage Polska Budownictwo was the general constructor, and JLL is in charge of commercialization.

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