LivinnX Kraków hall of residence even more ECO!
LivinnX Kraków hall of residence operates with new energy! All of this is possible due to an agreement with TAURON, which includes the purchase of electricity obtained entirely from renewable sources, i.e. hydroelectric power plants and wind farms. LivinnX will use the electricity offered as part of the EKO Premium product, which is the only solution in Poland to have a Green Energy Sale Guarantee, confirmed by the Polish Association for Energy Certification.
LivinnX Kraków is a modern hall of residence located in Zabłocie district in Kraków, which was constructed as part of a renovation project of the former Telpod factory building. The facility offers 710 beds available in 290 residential units.
Starting from the architectural project and design of the hall, LivinnX Kraków is a unique investment on the Polish market offering numerous exceptional solutions. An example of extraordinary measures taken in the hall is also the purchase of electricity obtained entirely from eco-friendly sources, which is confirmed by the Certificate of Accession awarded to LivinnX by the Polish Association for Energy Certification.
‘The LivinnX brand is a paragon of modernity also in the area of environmental protection. Thanks to the cooperation with the TAURON Group and the use of the EKO Premium product, we are proud to admit that LivinnX Kraków makes a real contribution to minimizing the negative footprint on the ecosystem. Our satisfaction is even greater due to the fact that we are the only hall of residence in Poland which uses this kind of solutions’ – said Jakub Bartos, Head of Residential in Golub GetHouse, representative of one of the investors of LivinnX Kraków hall of residence.
LivinnX Kraków stands out on the map of Poland also in a number of other respects. The range of amenities it offers deserves special attention. Apart from 290 fully-furnished residential units, the facility features, among others, specially arranged study and entertainment areas, a large shared kitchen, a 24-hour gym, sauna, yoga room, climbing wall and even a terrace with a hot tub located on the roof of the building. The residents have at their disposal also a laundry and a bicycle parking area. The facility also features public spaces such as a Lewiatan convenience store or Mr. Pancake restaurant. Following the example of international campuses, the hall of residence is CCTV monitored round the clock. The reception and security service are open 24 hours a day.
Thanks to its convenient location, the residence hall is well connected with Kraków’s key colleges and universities. It is also located in close proximity to the Old Town and the Kazimierz district, offering access to cultural facilities and services such as museums, art galleries, clubs, restaurants and the Vistula River embankments.
The design of the Telpod renovation was provided by the Kraków-based architecture studios IMB Asymetria and Make It Yours, and the general contractor was UNIBEP S.A. The residence hall, which was opened in September 2019, has been developed by Golub GetHouse in cooperation with the American company CA Ventures International.
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