LIXA D welcomes a new office tenant
A dynamically growing fintech company has leased nearly 2,600 m2 of office space in the LIXA D building, which is being erected as part of an office complex near the Warsaw’s Daszyński Roundabout. The new tenant will occupy over 25% of the building’s commercial space.
‘I am very pleased with signing the lease. It means that another new technology company, occupying as much as 25% of the LIXA D building, has joined our tenant roster. Closing of this transaction proves that the LIXA complex meets the expectations of the most demanding clients. During the negotiation process, we were focused on the tenant’s needs, which translated into efficient closure of the deal and reaching an agreement. We are looking forward for our new tenant to move into its newly finished office. This is clear evidence that the LIXA development meets the highest standards in terms of space arrangement, technical equipment and location, as well as the offer of the service and retail outlets located on the ground floor of the buildings,’ said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.
The offices of the new tenant in LIXA D will be arranged on 2,600 m2 of space located on the 4th and 5th floor of the building. The company will move into the office building at the end of 2024.
The LIXA D office building is the last building being erected as part of the largest office complex in the Yareal Polska’s portfolio. It is being developed on the west side of the publicly accessible LIXA City Gardens walkway, tying the entire complex together. LIXA D will deliver nearly 10,000 m2 of modern office space to the Warsaw market and will be ready to welcome tenants at the turn of the Q1 and Q2 of 2024.
The LIXA D building fits perfectly with Yareal Polska’s ESG-compliant sustainable development strategy. The project is powered by electricity from renewable sources. In addition, some of the environmentally-friendly, energy-saving solutions applied in the development include low-emission concrete and low-carbon recycled aluminium aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, and rainwater collection to irrigate vegetation. LIXA D as well as other parts of the complex will feature tilt windows, which will allow access to fresh air and, at the same time, help limit the use of air conditioning. What is more, high-speed energy recovery elevators, as well as modern LED lighting will be installed in LIXA D.
The underground part of the last stage of LIXA (including LIXA D and E buildings), which is under construction right next to a representative pedestrian walkway forming a new passage between Kasprzaka and Giełdowa streets, will have a total of 217 parking spaces. Some of them will be equipped with electric car chargers. Racks as well as showers and lockers are provided for tenants biking to work.
The LIXA office campus is being developed in stages in the Warsaw business hub in the centre-adjacent part of the Wola district, just a short walking distance from the Rondo Daszyńskiego metro station. The campus was designed by a renowned architectural studio HRA Architekci. Both the existing buildings and the LIXA D office building under construction are certified under the BREEAM green building system, with an Excellent rating. In addition, the LIXA development was awarded the WELL Health-Safety certificate, confirming its high standard of safety procedures. Once the LIXA D office building is completed, LIXA will form a complex of five buildings with a total area of 77,000 m2.

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