Mercator Medical in Cracow's Brain Park
Prestige PR
Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|| |i.wisniewska|
508 927 958
Mercator Medical Group, a leading manufacturer of medical devices and personal protection equipment, is to move its office to Brain Park I office building, constructed by Echo Investment in Cracow. Walter Herz company supported the tenant in the relocation process.
- Our task was to provide full consulting support to the client in the process of relocation and consolidation of offices. Mercator Medical was moving from two locations to one of the most modern office projects in Cracow. This required a thorough analysis of office options available on the market in the best locations. In addition to location issues, it was also necessary to compare the technical aspects and commercial value provided by the facilities selected by us. In line with the client's expectations, we also took into account the possibilities for the development of the organization in this location in the future - says Emilia Legierska, Transaction Director at Walter Herz.
Mercator Medical company has leased almost 1300 sq m. of space in one of the office buildings in Brain Park complex in Cracow’s district of Grzegórzki. Mercator Medical Group has been developing in the medical industry for over 25 years. It operates internationally, sells to several dozen countries around the world, on almost all continents. The company's portfolio includes a wide range of medical and protective gloves and non-woven products, as well as products of renowned international brands, distributed exclusively by the company. Mercator Medical Group has 3 factories in Thailand with 23 production lines with a total production capacity of 4 billion gloves per year. The company's headquarters is located in Cracow, and the logistics center is in Gdansk.
- The purpose of the change of headquarters was meeting our current expectations regarding the quality of the work space. We chose Brain Park because it offers a high standard of office space and an interesting arrangement and functions of common areas, as well as the most modern technical solutions. The new location provides us with great comfort of work, also thanks to the recreational zones created within the complex - says Anna Kałahurska, People & Culture Director at Mercator Medical S.A.
- When relocating to a new office, we provided the company with comprehensive support throughout the entire process, including searching for and selecting location, negotiating financial, commercial and legal conditions, as well as assisting in arranging new space. The decision made by Mercator Medical is in line with the current trends in the office market related to the consolidation of space and relocation of companies to the most attractive areas in city centers. The new office of Mercator Medical Group, in addition to its great location at the intersection of Aleja Pokoju and Fabryczna Street, and a beautiful view of the panorama of Cracow, provides a number of interesting amenities offered in and around the complex - says Kamil Kowalewski, Senior Negotiator at Walter Herz.
- I am convinced that Mercator Medical team will appreciate the opportunities offered by working in Brain Park office complex - says Marcin Gawlik, Senior Leasing Manager in the commercial projects department of Echo Investment, responsible for finalizing the transaction. – This investment is the essence of our many years of experience, including those acquired during the pandemic. It is a modern space offering many solutions supporting, above all, safety, but also the comfort and well-being of employees. A great location with a selection of services for everyday needs almost at your fingertips, well-designed and prepared office space and, above all, a multifunctional, green common space are the undisputed advantages of Brain Park - adds Gawlik.
Brain Park complex located at Fabryczna Street in Cracow will ultimately offer over 43 thousand sq m. of modern work space. The project will consist of three ten-storey buildings with an underground garage. Two of them, offering a total of nearly 30 thousand sq m. of space have received permission to use.
The Park was designed in accordance with the BREEAM certification guidelines. The investment received a high Excellent rating already at the design stage, introducing many solutions, including supporting energy and water saving, waste management policy and minimizing the environmental impact of the facility. For the health and safety of users, the buildings have been equipped with a dedicated air monitoring and purification system. The technology used to improve its quality can be freely used in everyday work.
The heart of the investment will be a green, multifunctional, open patio. The green zone will occupy an area of nearly 10 thousand sq m. in the complex. In addition to places to rest and eat meals in the open air, it will include, among others, a place to play table tennis, chess tables, swings and a space for street workout activities. Employees will be able to use these facilities in the second quarter of 2023.
Using parking lot and common areas will be facilitated by the building app. In addition, the complex will provide 34 charging stations for electric cars, 5 terraces for the exclusive use of tenants and advanced bicycle infrastructure. Bikers will have 299 parking spaces at their disposal, as well as changing rooms and showers in a specially prepared zone.

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