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Mindspace Brings New Workplace Experience to Williamsburg, Putting Wellness and

2023-07-25  |  11:30
Biuro prasowe

Mindspace, the global flexible workspace provider with over 45 locations worldwide, officially opened its first New York location at 25 Kent - a state-of-the-art, mixed-use office, retail and light manufacturing building owned and managed by Rubenstein Partners - located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This young, vibrant Brooklyn neighborhood is home to many tech companies and startups, entrepreneurs, artists, designers and media agencies. Mindspace Williamsburg is the company’s fourth location in the US and its second in partnership with Rubenstein Partners, following Mindspace Wanamaker in Philadelphia.

Today’s workplace is undergoing a major shift with more attention being paid to health (both physical and mental) and wellbeing, and Mindspace’s 25 Kent location offers a beautifully designed, upscale flexible workspace and coworking solution with an emphasis on workplace wellbeing - closer to home.

Wellness and proximity are just two of the many key features Mindspace Williamsburg offers:

  1. Wellness: 25 Kent offers a state-of-the-art fitness center with spa-like locker rooms, meditation pods and a bouldering wall, as well as on-site bike and car parking spaces. Mindspace’s signature benefits and services also include daily community and lifestyle events as well as wellness activities like yoga, nutrition education, and more. The site features plenty of outdoor space including an oversized private terrace within Mindspace, a tenant-only rooftop, unobstructed views of the Manhattan skyline, and notably, the property boasts 73-acres of adjacent parkland including Bushwick Inlet Park and McCaren Park.
  2. Proximity: An increasingly large portion of employers want to bring their workforce back to the ‘office’ and offer a workplace ‘closer to home’ in dynamic neighborhoods while adapting it for their own needs. Mindspace offers this with all its flexibility, amenities, access to nearby transit, retail, and the talented local community.

“We’re excited to open our newest office space in Williamsburg. Mindspace is creating an environment that goes beyond the traditional office setting, putting experience first by pairing  the epitome of wellbeing and hospitality,” said Dan Zakai, Mindspace CEO and Co-Founder. “Williamsburg, with its incredible energy and diverse community, is the perfect location. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood with a melting pot of cultures, attracting luxury brands and a host of cool businesses. By tapping into the creative spirit that thrives in this area, we are providing a truly unique experience for our members, with all the amenities, and all the hippest shops and restaurants right outside.”

Developed by Rubenstein Partners, 25 Kent occupies a full block bounded by Wythe and Kent Avenues and North 12th and North 13th Streets, directly across the street from Bushwick Inlet Park, the city’s newest waterfront park, recently opened to the neighborhood.

About Mindspace:

Mindspace is a boutique flex space provider, presenting a global mindset with a local flavor. Mindspace redefines the workplace experience for companies of all sizes. The beautifully designed spaces, personalized level of service and carefully curated events enhance employee engagement and build a strong sense of community, accommodating the way people work, innovate and grow. Mindspace’s customer base includes blue-chip companies, enterprises and SMBs in 45 locations, 20 cities and 7 countries across Europe and the US. Along with startups and small companies, Mindspace is home to many of the world’s largest tech multinationals, accelerators and global banks such as Samsung, Microsoft, Techstars accelerator, Barclays Bank, Taboola, GoPro and Klarna.The first Polish branch - Mindspace Koszyki - is located in Warsaw and is adjacent to the iconic Hala Koszyki. In total, it offers approx. 5,500 sqm. of flexible office space and 780 workstations. Second - Mindspace Skyliner is located on three floors of the Skyliner skyscraper near Rondo Daszyńskiego in Warsaw and occupies approx. 4,400 sqm of space. It provides over 600 workstations.

For further information please visit Mindspace.me, or follow Mindspace on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

About Rubenstein Partners:

Rubenstein Partners LP, founded in 2005, is a private real estate investment management and advisory firm with operations, including its affiliates, throughout the eastern United States. The firm is led by its founder, David Rubenstein, and over 100 seasoned real estate professionals, and is focused on owning and operating office real estate equity and debt investments in the U.S.. Since its founding, the firm has transacted in over 25 million square feet of office assets across 55 properties and 13 markets. As of March 31, 2023, Rubenstein Partners has assets under management (AUM) of close to $3 billion including notable projects such as the Wanamaker Building in Philadelphia and 25 Kent in Brooklyn. For more information, visit www.rubensteinpartners.com

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