Mindspace’s offer of amenities is expanding!
Flexible lease agreements, comfortable, fully equipped private offices and designed common areas: these are just a few examples of what Mindspace, a global boutique flexible office space provider, offers its members. From the very beginning, the aim of Mindspace’s founders has been to strengthen the sense of community and have a positive impact on the way people work, learn and grow, by providing members unique and functional interior design and personalized services. For this purpose, it has recently launched an online location, VIRTUAL by Mindspace. This is yet another tool helping integrate its members.
Mindspace is one of the leading global flexible office space providers. The network has a total of 31 locations in Europe, the United States and Israel. Each Mindspace branch has been designed for users to work in private offices and to come into contact in common areas, available to tenants 24 hours a day. The offer is available for companies of all sizes, including startups, freelancers, SMEs, and large corporations. The tenants of Mindspace Koszyki include, among others, Tidal, Adyen and Tink.
Regardless of the location, Mindspace interiors stand out for their original vintage-style design. It is no different with Mindspace Koszyki. This unique project combines global design trends with a local vibe. Thanks to a perfectly designed workspace, the Warsaw branch of Mindspace offers its clients comfortable and quiet interiors as well as offices enhancing development and creativity. In addition, it features event space, lounges, and fully equipped kitchens. There are also several particularly attractive initiatives organized with a view to integrating tenants, such as thematic meetings, workshops, and regular breakfasts or lunches devoted to specific topics. And through a mobile app, every member of Mindspace Koszyki has access to a wide range of external benefits and discount programmes from the operator’s local partners.
The global Mindspace community currently consists of more than 15,000 members, who can use any location of Mindspace around the world at no extra charge. With the launch of the VIRTUAL by Mindspace platform they can also meet and participate in a variety of online events, without physically being present in the office. It is also a place where members can promote their services and keep abreast of information and recommendations on the spread of coronavirus in the countries where Mindspace has its branches. Interestingly, the operator’s virtual location can also be used by non-members of Mindspace.
According to Michał Kwinta, Senior Community Manager at Mindspace Koszyki, “Mindspace Koszyki is an inspiring space with beautifully designed offices and a fantastic community whose working comfort is our first priority every day. We constantly strive to make each working day as attractive as possible for our clients. As for many other companies, the coronavirus pandemic has proved to be quite a challenge also for Mindspace. COVID-19 has sparked our innovation to create a solution which, despite the external circumstances, provides all our tenants with an addition to our popular community activities, seminars and events. We have decided to create a virtual, publicly accessible Mindspace location where, through a number of interesting events, people can gain practical knowledge during webinars and training sessions, and even exercise together. Many of our members have frequently participated in these events as speakers, and by that we allow them exposure to new audiences, globally. I am proud to say that the platform is still gaining in popularity. Over the past five months we have had thousands of visitors participating in a variety of programmes”
The Warsaw branch of Mindspace is an office complex directly adjacent to Hala Koszyki. The offices are located on four floors of the office building at ul. Koszykowa 61 and on two floors in the tower at ul. Koszykowa 65. In total, 750 members can work in both locations, in nearly 5,500 m2. Both spaces are open to tenants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Mindspace offers a month-to-month space lease, as well as leases for longer periods, so each client has the opportunity to work in the best time for themselves.
More information about VIRTUAL by Mindspace is available here: https://virtual.mindspace.me/
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