Komunikaty PR

NATEK Poland with an office in Wrocław Infinity

2024-01-09  |  10:05
Biuro prasowe
Do pobrania NATEK ( 0.1 MB )

NATEK, a CEE market leader in outsourcing services and IT professionals, has joined the tenant roster of the Infinity office building. The company will move into the building at ul. Legnicka 16 in Wrocław in May 2024, and its offices will be arranged on 700 sqm. of modern space, located on the 5th floor.

NATEK is a leading provider of comprehensive IT solutions and services. With a highly skilled team of more than 700 IT experts, the company supports the digital transformation of its global partners. The organization offers a broad portfolio of services and has a proven track record of more than 200 successfully completed projects in various technical competencies for highly specialized markets and industries.

NATEK specializes in the design and implementation of IT business solutions in areas such as network maintenance, implementation, migration and support of SAP environments, maintenance and user support, cloud solutions and automation of cloud environments, software development or data analysis and Quality Assurance, to name a few. NATEK provides its outsourcing services and solutions to industry leaders worldwide in banking and finance, telecommunications, healthcare, technology or the automotive sector.

NATEK, founded in Brno in 2004, carries out projects across the world. It currently has offices in seven locations in four countries in the Central and Eastern European region: Bulgaria, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia.

‘We are pleased that NATEK has chosen Infinity for its new headquarters in Wrocław. Trust from such an innovative and rapidly growing business is the best proof of the quality of our building. Our partner knows Wrocław very well, including the specifics of this market and the office space available on offer; therefore, we appreciate all the more that Infinity is NATEK’s choice. The central location in a place perfectly connected on the map of Wrocław, the highest quality of space and the applied technological solutions, as well as exceptional attention to ESG aspects, which translates, among other things, into service costs, are the distinctive features of our project. It is these factors that make companies looking towards the future and aware of their goals bet on Infinity,’ said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate.

NATEK Poland’s new headquarters in Wrocław will be arranged on 700 sqm. of space located on the 5th floor of the Infinity office building (from the intersection of Legnicka and Nabycińska streets). The company will move into the office building in May 2024 from another building in the capital of Lower Silesia. Brookfield Partners advised the tenant in the negotiation process, and Avestus Real Estate was represented by JLL. The lease agreement was signed for 7 years.

‘To meet the expectations of our clients and employees, we have made another strategic decision as an integral part of our plan to expand NATEK’s presence in Poland, and we are pleased to announce our expansion in Wrocław. We are a rapidly growing business with ambitious goals and a strategy for the future; hence, we need to be geared for the journey ahead. Infinity is a prime example of the highest quality and ESG standards that a modern office building can offer. The facility fits perfectly with the long-term goals of our organization and will be a suitable foundation for NATEK’s further development. With our new office, we will gain a firm position to strengthen the existing relationships with our clients, as well as create new ones. At the same time, the office will provide our current and future employees with a modern, sustainable, attractive and growth-enhancing work environment in which they can spend their time effectively and pleasurably, delivering solutions to our clients. With more space, we will also be able to offer many more great job opportunities to Wrocław technology talent willing to expand their knowledge base, directly influence the future of our solutions and advance their careers. We do believe that Wrocław is a city with great innovative potential, which is an ideal place for an IT company to grow. We feel welcome here and look forward to further expanding our team,’ commented Jana Kruzliakova, NATEK VP Sales & Marketing.

Infinity is a seven-storey class A office building offering, among other things, 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of service and retail space, and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces. With cyclists in mind, 128 bicycle stands will be fitted in an enclosed area provided with changing rooms and showers. The building, delivered by Avestus Real Estate in cooperation with its business partner Alchemy Properties, is BREEAM-certified at the Excellent level, and WELL Health-Safety certified, which confirms the high standard of safety procedures.

The Infinity office building features state-of-the-art technologies, including an innovative tenant service platform by spaceOS. Touchless solutions, tilting windows, and top-quality air filters ensure the safety and comfort of the users. Infinity also features an impressive lobby with vegetation inside. Spacious terraces with elements of structural landscaping and greenery have been created on the roof of the building. Everything about the Infinity project—the construction work, the technologies and solutions used, as well as the management of the building—has been carried out in compliance with ESG criteria to guarantee the building’s small carbon footprint and minimize its environmental impact.

In addition to NATEK Poland, the tenants at Infinity office part include Avenga, Divante, Dom Development, ingage Poland and FutureMeds (at Infinity, the company will occupy both retail and office space).

Infinity also contributes to the urban setting, as its public areas and retail and service outlets will be available not only to employees of the complex, but also to the Wrocław community. Leases have already been signed with the Medicover Stomatologia dental clinic, Gorąco Polecam Smaki z Piekarni bakery and café, Żabka convenience store, Toscanizzazione restaurant, and FutureMeds. In addition, on the first floor of the building there is “UP” Fitness Club with a Mission.

The architectural design of Infinity was prepared by AD Studio, Eiffage Polska Budownictwo was the general constructor, and JLL is in charge of commercialization

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