PGE Systemy stays at Warsaw Towers
Warsaw, 26th May 2021 – CA Immo has signed a lease extension for office space at Warsaw Towers. PGE Systemy S.A. has decided to stay in the building for another 5 years and to move its headquarters here from a different location.
PGE Systemy S.A., which provides ICT services, is a PGE Group company. The company is responsible for implementing new technologies and building market-leading competence centres. The team, comprising several hundred experts, is responsible for delivering value to the PGE Group’s business lines.
Dawid Wątorski, Leasing Manager at CA Immo, commented: “PGE Group has been our tenant for years. Our cooperation runs really smoothly, which is best proven by another lease agreement. The tenant appreciates Warsaw Towers’ excellent location in the very centre of the capital, the comfortable and functional office spaces, and the highest quality of building management. We are proud that PGE Systemy S.A. has decided to move here, thus boosting Warsaw Towers’ commercialization level to 94%. This very good result is even more important in these extraordinary times.”
The tenant was represented by CBRE in the negotiation process.
Warsaw Towers is a modern, 15-storey class A office building in the very centre of Warsaw, offering a total of 21,000 m2 of commercial space. In addition to office space, Warsaw Towers also features retail and service passage on the ground floor of the building, including a restaurant, a florist’s and the other shops. There is also an underground car park with 240 parking spaces, a car wash and a modern bicycle storage room on the premises. The building’s tenants also have at their disposal spacious terraces overlooking the panorama of Warsaw, on the 5th, 7th and 15th floors.
The project is located at ul. Sienna 39, in the immediate vicinity of the Palace of Culture and Science, Złote Tarasy shopping mall, the InterContinental hotel, and Warsaw Central railway station. The location guarantees excellent access to all means of public transport (metro stations, bus and tram stops, city bikes), and thus a rich offer of services not only in the immediate vicinity but also in every district of Warsaw.
Warsaw Towers has been appreciated for many years by companies that are leaders in their industries. The tenants at the project, apart from PGE Systemy S.A., include such companies as Accenture, Coty, Grafton and Idom.
The office building has been awarded BREEAM environmental certificates at the “Excellent” (for excellent building management) and “Very Good” (for technical solutions applied in the project) levels.
About CA Immo
CA Immo is an international company operating in the office real estate sector in Central and Eastern Europe. The company’s activity focuses on comprehensive management of commercial real estate, rental of property, and implementation of development projects, based on many years of experience. CA Immo was founded in 1987 and is listed in the ATX, the leading index of the Vienna Stock Exchange. The company’s portfolio includes projects with a total value of EUR 5.2 billion, in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia and Hungary.
Warsaw is one of the main markets for CA Immo, where it has been present since 2001. The projects in the company’s Polish portfolio include Warsaw Spire (Buildings B and C), Postępu 14, Warsaw Towers, Sienna Center, Saski Crescent, Saski Point, Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Center, and Wspólna 47/49. The total area of the assets in CA Immo’s portfolio in Poland is more than 170 000 m2.

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