Polska Press is staying in Cracow's Zabłocie Business Park complex
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Polska Press Grupa, one of the largest media and technology companies in Poland, a leader on the regional and local media market, has decided to stay in Zabłocie Business Park A office building in Cracow. Walter Herz supported the tenant in the process of renegotiating the lease agreement and business conditions, as well as the rearrangement of the office space.
Polska Press Grupa decided to extend the lease agreement, combined with a interior change of the work space, in the complex belonging to the portfolio of UNIQA Real Estate, where it occupies over 830 sq m. of space.
Polska Press Grupa is one of the largest media and technology companies in Poland. Thanks to 20 regional dailies and the i.pl news website, it is building its strong position both regionally and on the national market.
The publisher runs 600 editorial offices across Poland and reaches over 19 million Poles. Polska Press has three printing houses with the most modern printing technology in Europe, which print an average of 3 million newspapers a day.
– Zabłocie Business Park offers a high standard of space and the latest technical solutions. The location of the facility also meets our expectations. We have been present in the building for years and we decided to stay in it, prolonging the contract, because it provides the appropriate comfort of work for our team. In addition, by renegotiating the contract with Walter Herz’s support, we obtained competitive lease terms, encouraging us to rearrange the space and continue to use the current office - says Grzegorz Nowosielski CEO of Makroregion Południe from Polska Press Grupa.
– In the process of renegotiating the contract, we provided Polska Press with comprehensive advisory support, including the selection of offers on the Cracow market, the presentation of alternative lease proposals and the negotiation of lease terms. In the context of high competitiveness of offers, Polska Press decided to stay in the current building, which is located in the heart of Zabłocie, a very fashionable district of Cracow. The location offers a large number of interesting amenities, and the building provides technical parameters at a high level. We are grateful that Polska Press, which is our regular client, has once again placed its trust in us - says Kamil Kowalewski, Associate Director at Walter Herz.
- Zabłocie is developing dynamically and attracts companies with an increasingly rich offer of offices and infrastructure. Leading companies on the Polish market and international organizations interested in modern and well-located office spaces decide to lease space in our complex. We are glad that Polska Press has also decided to extend their contract. We are seeing an increasing scale of renegotiations in this part of the city. It was another contract renegotiation process that we carried out in this building. This proves the unflagging popularity of Zabłocie Business Park among tenants and proves that companies consider offices and their quality to be a key element in attracting talented employees, which is especially important in industries where contacts between employees and teamwork are crucial – says Sandra Machalica, property manager from GD&K Consulting, representing UNIQA Real Estate.
Zabłocie Business Park is a modern office complex located at Romanowicza Street in Cracow, which consists of two architecturally coherent office buildings. Seven-storey office buildings have similar parameters. Building A with a graphite façade offers approximately 11,300 sq m. of space, and building B with a white façade has 14,500 sq m. total lease area. Glazing on the ground floor and characteristic rows of windows on the upper floors add lightness to the shapes of the office buildings.
The complex with a two-level underground garage provides high standard of office space finish, energy-saving solutions, as well as flexibility in arranging space.
Zabłocie Business Park is located in the Podgórze district, close to the district of Kazimierz and the Old Town. The Vistula Boulevards are within a few minutes' walk. In the vicinity there are, among others, Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory - Museum of Krakow, Museum of Modern Art MOCAK
Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University and Galeria Kazimierz mall.
Thanks to its location in the very center of Cracow, the complex allows you to use Cracow's full commercial and cultural offer, as well as efficient access to other districts of the city. There are numerous bus and tram stops as well as Cracow Zabłocie railway station in the vicinity of the property. Kraków Główny Railway Station can be reached in about 10 minutes.

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