Komunikaty PR

Tenants appreciate Gdański Business Center. Nearly 24,000 sqm. leased in 2020

2021-03-03  |  12:12
Biuro prasowe
  • Only last year almost 24,000 sqm. of office space was leased in the Gdański Business Center complex in Warsaw.
  • The 101,000 sqm. office complex from the Savills Investment Management portfolio is now almost 100% leased.


Warsaw, 3 march 2021 – Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), the international real estate investment manager, is pleased to announce that in 2020 nearly 24,000 sqm. of lease transactions were completed in the Gdański Business Center office building in Warsaw, representing almost ¼ of the total area of the complex. This is the result of agreements concluded by Savills IM with 10 companies. The vast majority of transactions are extensions of the current contracts.

The following companies have decided to continue their operations at Gdański Business Center: KPMG, Provident, Webinterpret, Groupe SEB and companies from the government, banking, clothing and interior design sectors. In turn, thanks to new lease, a Tefal showroom joined the ranks of the tenants of the complex.

The first quarter of 2021 began very well for Gdański Business Center – in February, Techland decided to stay in the complex and a new tenant – Exon – was welcomed. Thus, Gdański Business Center is now almost fully leased.

Julia Racewicz, Senior Asset Manager, Savills Investment Management, said:

Gdański Business Center is a complex which, thanks to its excellent location and the highest quality of space offered, has been appreciated by numerous companies for years now, which is confirmed by the fact that many tenants have been with our office complex since its very beginning. So, there is no doubt that Gdański Business Center is a perfect place for developing any kind of business. The coronavirus pandemic did not change that. Moreover, it prompted us to find such solutions that allowed us not only to acquire new clients, but also to tighten cooperation with our existing tenants. Achieving such a significant success as leasing out almost 24,000 sqm. in the current difficult times is a great source of pride for us and drives us to push forward. I would like to thank all companies that have put their trust in us – both those that have been with us for a long time as well as our new tenants. I believe that the next years of our cooperation will be fruitful.

Gdański Business Center was built in 2014 (phase I) and 2016 (phase II). Apart from the office space and the Tefal showroom, the complex also features restaurants, a café, a beauty salon, a kindergarten, a medical centre, the Zdrofit fitness club and a public courtyard with greenery and street furniture elements. Tenants of the complex can also use terraces situated at higher storeys of the buildings. Gdański Business Center offers 1,379 underground and 76 on-grade parking spots and biking infrastructure, with 416 bicycle racks, changing rooms and showers.

The complex is located next to the Dworzec Gdański M1 metro line and next to the Warszawa Dworzec Gdański railway station. There are also many bus and tram stops as well as city bike rental points near the investment, which guarantees excellent transport options to other districts of Warsaw. The proximity of the Gdański Bridge also facilitates access to the right bank of Warsaw. There are numerous amenities in the vicinity of the complex, e.g. the Westfield Arkadia shopping mall.

The investment, which was awarded the BREEAM Excellent certificate, was purchased by Savills IM on behalf of a global pension fund.

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