Tenants opt for Park Szczecin Trzebusz
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), an international investment manager, has signed two lease agreements at Park Szczecin Trzebusz totalling almost 30,000 sqm. The new tenant of the warehouse centre in Szczecin is Autodoc Logistics. Furthermore, one of the current tenants, Hegen Europe, has decided to expand its space as part of the logistics park within the Savills IM portfolio in Poland.
Autodoc Logistics, a company distributing automotive parts and accessories, is another name on the tenant list at Park Szczecin Trzebusz with 26,532 sqm. of warehouse space and a lease term of two years. Autodoc Logistics is part of Autodoc Group, which operates in 27 European markets and employs a total of more than 5,000 staff in six locations.
The other agreement made by Savills IM at Park Szczecin Trzebusz is an extended lease. Hegen Europe, specialising in the manufacture and distribution of sports equipment and home and garden accessories, has decided to expand its current space by 3,242 sqm. of warehouse space. Under the new agreement made for a term of three years, the company will lease almost 13,000 sqm. of space in total in the logistics park in Szczecin.
Gabriela Matysek-Mazurczak, Asset Manager, Savills IM Poland, said: ‘We take pride in the fact that our logistics complex, Park Szczecin Trzebusz, is considered attractive by so many new tenants and, at the same time, our relations with the current tenants remain as strong as ever. This proves the Park’s excellent location, the quality of the warehouse space on offer and our effective daily operations as asset manager. It gives us immense satisfaction to sign leases for almost 30,000 sqm. in the discernible downturn observed in the warehouse market. We are happy to support business development in our region. We would also like to thank our partners, Autodoc Logistics and Hegen Europe, for their trust.’
During the transactions Savills IM was advised by 7R in matters pertaining to lease, while Law Firm DPPA Legal Grzonek Świdnicki sp. k. offered its legal support. Autodoc Logistics was represented by the AXI IMMO advisory firm.
Hubert Walczak, Supply Chain Strategy Director & Board Member at Autodoc Logistics Poland, commented: ‘The new warehouse at Park Szczecin Trzebusz is a great addition for our logistics operations in Poland and it enables us to consolidate the highest service standards our clients all over Europe are used to: full customer centricity and the broadest product range. Our business is growing, and we want to further expand our leading position in the industry by building on these strengths together with our great workforce in Szczecin.’
Anna Gawrońska, Consultant, Industrial&Logistic, AXI IMMO, added: ‘We have had the pleasure to represent Autodoc Logistics in the search of a new warehouse space in the Szczecin area. The client’s key requirements included proximity to its previous location and immediate availability. Among the selected properties, the Park Szczecin Trzebusz logistics complex was closest to the client’s expectations. We would like to congratulate both parties on their partnership.’
Park Szczecin Trzebusz is a logistics project commissioned in 2019. The facility offers a total of 70,000 sqm. of modern warehouse space at ul. Cynkowa, in the Dąbie district in the eastern part of the city of Szczecin. An advantage of the site is its access to a direct exit from the A6 motorway, which connects Szczecin and Berlin. The property is also well connected to the S3 expressway, state road 10, the Szczecin-Goleniów airport about 30 km away, and the seaport. The Szczecin Subzone of the Euro-Park Mielec Special Economic Zone is located in close proximity to the development.
The warehouse space at Park Szczecin Trzebusz consists of two class A buildings, equipped with LED lighting, gas heating, a sprinkler system, a dock area with ramps and ground-level gates, CCTV monitoring, as well as a state-of-the-art vehicle access management system. The space can be adapted for both storage and light manufacturing purposes. The property also has manoeuvring spaces and parking lots. The facility, which is part of the Savills IM portfolio, received a BREEAM International New Construction certificate.

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