Komunikaty PR

The construction of the Good Point V in its the c

2024-04-25  |  11:20
Biuro prasowe
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The construction of the Good Point V warehouse and production park, located in Łubna, has entered the decisive phase of implementation. The last vacant spaces are available with the delivery date in September 2024.

The construction of the Good Point V warehouse and production park, a project by Real Management in Łubna, consisting of three buildings with the total warehouse space of 30,000 sqm., has entered the decisive phase.

“We are truly pleased to see the dynamic pace of implementation of this investment. At this point, we can see the full shape of warehouse 1 under construction, on which facade made of sandwich slabs is being installed. Work in the building is already underway as regards the insulation of the roof and preparation for the installation of fire dampers and skylights. In part of our plot, where warehouse 4 will be erected, after the initial works related to the reinforcement of the soil, the erection of prefabricated columns has been completed, and the steel structure of the roof is currently being installed. Our general contractor, BREMER Sp. z o.o., will spend the coming weeks completing external networks and installations in the building. Work on the installation of gates and docks will also begin,” adds Sebastian Perkowski, Contract Director, in charge of preparing projects for implementation and of construction projects carried out by Real Management S.A.

The Good Point V complex has been designed with the ESG guidelines and BREEAM certification in mind, and meets the highest quality and safety standards. The developer has also prepared a Green Standard for Warehouse Buildings to complement the company’s strategy. The plot of land where the complex is located features vast green areas, which is a rarity for warehouse and production parks. In addition, the complex boasts two clay pit ponds that make the whole area even more attractive. The Good Point V development project has been designed taking into account the rules of sustainable development, green buildings, and will be BREEAM certified at the Excellent level.

The first tenants of warehouse and office space, which include companies such as Dr Irena Eris S.A., one of Poland’s leading cosmetics manufacturers, or OEX Fulfilio Sp. z o. o., a company specialising in delivering logistics services for the e-commerce sector, as well as in dealing with loyalty programmes and POS materials, will move into Good Point V as early as Q3 2024 and Q1 2025. The complex still has the last 5,800 sqm. of vacant warehouse space left, with delivery in September 2024.

The warehouse and production park, located in Łubna, which is well connected to Warsaw (via Puławska street) due to the proximity of state road no. 79 and the interchange in Góra Kalwaria, will be completed in Q1 2025.

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