Komunikaty PR

Three BPO tenants to stay longer at Bolero Office Point 1

2023-01-11  |  10:05
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Bolero Office Park, which includes the Bolero Office Point 1 office building, has signed lease extensions for 3,050 sqm. of modern office space. The companies ArchiDoc, Voice Contact Center and MerService have decided to stay in the Warsaw office building for the next few years.

ArchiDoc is one of the largest companies in Poland offering services in the area of digitalization of BPO business processes, document management and comprehensive back-office services. The company has five state-of-the-art operations centers, and its experts work in 50 customer locations across the country. As of 2019, ArchiDoc is part of the global Oasis Group. The company has extended its lease of approximately 900 sqm. at Bolero Office Point 1.

The second tenant to stay in the Bolero Office Point 1 office building in the longer term is Voice Contact Center. The company, which specializes in the area of customer experience, has extended its lease of approximately 1,350 sqm. Voice Contact Center offers the operation of professional customer service offices, and the company’s operations centers are located in Warsaw, Łódź and Lublin. The company puts more than 900 professional contact center desks at its customers’ disposal.

MerService has also decided to continue its operations in the office building in Warsaw. The company, which has been helping businesses across Poland to optimize their processes and maximize their sales potential for more than 10 years, has renewed its lease of around 800 sqm. at Bolero Office Point 1. MerService provides its customers with effective sales support through a wide range of professional services such as merchandising, sales force outsourcing and distribution of POS materials.

The extensions of lease agreements for a total area of 3,050 sqm. and the trust from modern companies, leaders in their industries, are the best confirmation of the quality of Bolero Office Point 1 and the effectiveness of our work as co-owner and asset manager of the complex. We are happy to meet the expectations of our partners, and it will be our pleasure to continue liaising with our tenants in the years to come as well,’ said Marcin Malka, CEO, Real Management S.A.

We handle critical business processes for major companies. Our operations centers must meet the heightened requirements of security, business continuity, location and flexibility. Bolero Office Park has been an important part of our business since 2012. Thanks to the professionalism and openness of Real Management we have once again successfully closed the negotiations,’ commented Konrad Rochalski, CEO, ArchiDoc S.A., Managing Director, OASIS Group in Poland.

Bolero Office Point 1 is a seven-storey Class B+ office building located at 4 Równoległa Street in Warsaw, offering 11,300 sqm. of leasable space. The building has received a BREEAM In-Use certificate at Very Good level and has 187 parking spaces and a canteen. The location in close proximity to the Warsaw Commuter Railway (WKD) station enables quick and comfortable access to the city center, while the proximity to the airport and the main exit routes from Warsaw is a convenience for companies whose employees often travel on business.

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