Very strong performance of Galeria Katowicka
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), an international investment manager, reported on the very strong performance of Galeria Katowicka in the first half of 2023. In January – June this year, 18 leases for a total of 3,071 sqm. were signed at this leading shopping centre in Poland.
The tenant roster of Galeria Katowicka has been joined by such brands as:, Modivo, Pink Sushi, Sweet Factory, Intimissimi Uomo, La Flore and Hair Shop. The following brands have decided not only to continue their operations at Galeria Katowicka but to expand the space under their leases: CCC, Nike, Entertainment Zone, Caseownia, Time For Wax and Play. Rainbow, Wojas, Salad Story, Bijou Brigitte, Pandora and Leopardus have extended their lease agreements in the Katowice shopping centre.
Galeria Katowicka, which is part of a portfolio managed by Savills IM in Poland, also boasts a very strong net sales performance. It reported a 12% year-on-year increase in net sales in the first half of 2023. Compared to the first half of 2019, i.e. the period before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the increase was even higher, measuring at 20%. The popularity of Galeria Katowicka among customers is also evidenced by its footfall, which in the months of January – June 2023 went up by 12% over the same period in 2022.
Ilona Szafer, Head of Asset Management, Retail, Poland, at Savills IM, commented:
“We are extremely pleased to see Galeria Katowicka perform so well. The shopping centre in Katowice serves as an example of a place combining several complementary functions including retail, entertainment and transportation. This is a place that is eagerly visited by the residents of the entire Silesian Agglomeration and visitors coming to Katowice alike. New agreements, extensions of existing leases and expansions of space make us especially proud, and are at the same time the best evidence of the quality and business potential of Galeria Katowicka. As Asset Manager of this unique investment, we strive to constantly improve our offer and make it increasingly broader, in this way meeting the expectations of our tenants. We are glad that our efforts are appreciated and reflected in the business results of Galeria Katowicka.”
Galeria Katowicka, a unique commercial and transportation hub, is located in the very heart of Katowice. The building has a leasable area of 47,609 sqm. and includes more than 200 units, restaurants and retail outlets. Galeria Katowicka also has a 10-screen Multikino cinema including the Xtreme theatre, with a Dolby Atmos sound system and a 4K laser projector that combine to create the most cutting-edge cinema experience in Poland. The shopping centre is directly linked to the railway station and the underground public transportation bus terminal.
Galeria Katowicka opened on 18 September 2013 and is owned by a large institutional investor. Savills IM is responsible for asset management. APSYS Polska is responsible for the property management of Galeria Katowicka, the day-to-day operation of the facility and issues related to the leasing of retail space.

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