Walter Herz opens a branch in Tri-City

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Walter Herz has opened a branch in Tri-City, which will be managed by Jarosław Zdzitowiecki, who took the position of Associate Partner/Head of Tri-City in the company.
The new branch of Walter Herz started operating in Tri-City at the beginning of February, 2023. The expansion of the company's regional structures is related to the implementation of the adopted business concept and the agency's development plan, one of the main assumptions of which is further reinforcement of Walter Herz's position on the regional markets. The Tri-City branch is the company's second outside Warsaw branch, after Cracow.
Jarosław Zdzitowiecki, who is the head of Walter Herz branch in the Tri-City, is responsible for developing cooperation with clients in the north of Poland and expanding the company's team in Pomerania. He manages the development of consulting services provided to tenants, developers and owners of commercial space, as well as conducting services for investors in the region.
The head of Walter Herz’s Tri-City branch, has been closely associated with consulting entities operating in the commercial real estate sector in Poland for the last seven years. The Tri-City market is one of the key areas of his expertise. Jarosław Zdzitowiecki has professional experience in the field of consulting services provided to tenants in the processes of expansion, relocation and renegotiation of lease agreements, as well as services for landlords, which he gained while conducting commercialization and recommercialization processes of office complexes in the region as an exclusive agent.
During his professional career, he also worked in the medical sector, building a private medical services company from scratch, and in the legal department of one of the largest financial institutions in Poland. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Gdynia University of Law and Diplomacy and Gdansk Foundation for Management Development, where he completed a two-year Executive MBA program, validated by the Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Management.
– I am convinced that Jarosław Zdzitowiecki's experience and knowledge of the Tri-City market, professional approach to project implementation and great competence in assessing and analyzing market potential are a great foundation for building long-term relationships with the company's clients on the coast. I am sure that he will manage the new branch in a way that guarantees full implementation of the strategic assumptions regarding business development in Tri-City - says Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner, CEO of Walter Herz.
– We welcome Jarosław Zdzitowiecki on board. He will continue our current activities on the Tri-City market under the Walter Herz banner. We have been operating in the Tri-City for many years. We provided consulting services in the process of searching for office space, for companies such as Fortum Marketing & Sales, Vowerk and Acaisoft. We introduced tenants to the largest office complexes located on the Tri-City market, such as Olivia Business Centre, Alchemia and Palio Office Park. The opening of the company's branch in the region, which will be managed by such an experienced specialist, will allow us to significantly expand the scope of our activity in the northern part of the country at a fast pace - says Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner / Head of Tenant Representation at Walter Herz.
– I am glad that I have the opportunity to participate in building the company's structures and the opportunity to develop the group of Walter Herz clients in Tri-City. Working in such an experienced and unique team gives me great satisfaction - says Jarosław Zdzitowiecki, Associate Partner / Head of Tri-City at Walter Herz.
- The Tri-City is a young, still developing market in the commercial real estate sector, where processes related to new projects or leasing space are usually carried out at a faster pace than, for example, in Warsaw. In terms of investment, the office market in the region is dominated by local real estate development companies, such as Torus. Moreover, newcomers, such as Cavatina, Skanska or Vastint, have the opportunity to offer large, often above-market packages of incentives when renting office space. Thus, it is a competitive market, which is not threatened by drastic increases in rents, informs Jarosław Zdzitowiecki. – Tri-City is also a frequent destination in the development of companies that are looking for the right, talented people and, at the same time, a place that would encourage potential employees to relocate. It has also recently been a natural direction for companies relocating their business from Belarus to the EU, and since 2022, also from Ukraine. Based on the specificity of the Tri-City market, we have prepared an appropriate strategy for operating in the region for individual segments of the real estate market and the investment market – says Jarosław Zdzitowiecki.
The Tri-City is the fourth largest office center in Poland, offering over 1 million sq m. of modern space with the dominant position of Gdansk, which concentrates over 75 per cent of office resources in the region. According to Walter Herz data, there are approximately 75 thousand sq m. of office space under construction on the Tri-City market. The vacancy rate in Tri-City exceeds 13 per cent. Rents for class A space range from net EUR 12.5/m/sq m. to EUR 15/month/sq m. Dominant office tenants are companies from the IT, SSC and BPO sectors.
Officer and Waterfront buildings in Gdynia, as well as Punkt, Alzare Office, C300 Office and another building in the Matarnia Office Park complex in Gdansk are under construction in Tri-City.
In 2022, Format, K2, Alpha office buildings and the second building in the Officyna complex and another in the office building in Palio Office Park, among others, were commissioned in the region.

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