Komunikaty PR

Walter Herz recognized at the CIJ AWARDS POLAND once again

2024-03-06  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Walter Herz consulting company was awarded Best Local Real Estate Agency of the Year at the CIJ AWARDS for the second time. The  competition is organized by Construction & Investment Journal, one of the most recognized magazines devoted to the real estate industry in the CEE region. Walter Herz team has been recognized by CIJ for the fourth time. In 2016, the agency won in the Rising Star of the Year category and in 2023, it received the HOF Awards - Best of the Best as the best local consulting agency in the CEE region.

– CIJ AWARDS is an industry event with the longest history on the real estate market in Poland. We are very proud of this award. We are glad that our company has once again won in such a renowned competition. We are grateful that our work is appreciated and the regular development of the agency's structure has been recognized. Being among the distinguished group of CIJ AWARDS winners is a great satisfaction and distinction for us. Winning this prestigious award inspires us to further improve the consulting services we provide - says  Magdalena Zagrodnik, Partner at Walter Herz.

CIJ EUROPE, which organizes the competition, is one of the key sources of information about the real estate market and the development and construction industry in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe as well as worldwide. It provides comments, analyses, statistics and shows the latest market trends. The publisher has been organizing the international competition for 29 years. It awards companies, investments, projects, innovative concepts and solutions implemented in the commercial real estate sector in the CEE countries.

The event accompanies changes in local, regional and international real estate markets. CIJ AWARDS is the oldest awards event in the commercial real estate sector, which has a 22-year tradition in Poland. The gala took place this year on February 27th, 2024 at the Verte Warsaw Marriott Autograph Collection hotel in Warsaw.

The awards were given in 29 categories. The competition winners were selected in a three-stage jury vote, which included 30 recognized experts from the real estate, investment, architectural and construction industries. The third stage of the selection was online voting among the CIJ readers. Winners in individual categories will also advance to the Best of the Best CIJ HOF (Hall of Fame) awards, which will be awarded in Bucharest on May 27th, 2024 during the CEDER conference and exhibition.

Walter Herz has been providing comprehensive consulting services on the commercial real estate market in Poland for over 11 years. The company is based in Warsaw and runs regional branches. Walter Herz experts provide consulting services in the implementation of projects in the warehouse, office, commercial and hotel sectors. The agency provides strategic advisory support to investors, real estate owners and tenants, as well as companies and institutions from the public sector. The company advises on investing and project management, as well as commercialization and leasing of commercial space. Walter Herz is the creator of the Tenant Academy, the first project in Poland that supports and educates tenants of commercial space from all over Poland by organizing specialized training meetings.


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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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