Walter Herz wins at the CIJ AWARDS POLAND 2022
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Walter Herz, a company providing comprehensive consulting services in the commercial real estate sector in Poland, received Best Local Agency of the Year 2022 at the CIJ AWARDS. The event is organized by Construction & Investment Journal, one of the most famous magazines devoted to the real estate industry in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2016, the agency was recognized by CIJ EUROPE, winning the Rising Star of the Year award.
- Over the last six years, we have worked hard not to disappoint the expectations of customers and business partners. We are constantly expanding our team and improving our qualifications, and we make every effort to provide consulting services at the highest level. We are glad that the jury noticed the pace of development of our company and the progress that has been made in our organization over the last years, awarding us the title of Best Local Real Estate Agency of the Year. A place among the winners of the competition is a great honor for us. We are proud that we managed to win such a prestigious award for the industry. We would like to give thanks and express our gratitude for all the votes cast for us - Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner, CEO of Walter Herz.
The awards were presented during the official Gala, which took place on February 2nd, 2023 at Raffles Europejski Warsaw in Warsaw. Over 100 projects, services and companies from 10 countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe were nominated in the competition in 21 categories.
For 22 years, the CIJ AWARDS have been given to companies, investments, projects, innovative concepts and solutions implemented in the industry in the countries of the CEE region. The Polish edition has been organized since 2002. The winners are selected by a jury composed of independent experts operating in various areas of the real estate sector.
CIJ EUROPE provides information about new projects, transactions and initiatives of companies, as well as commentary, analysis, statistics and information about the latest trends in the commercial real estate market in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe and internationally. It is one of the key sources of information on the development and construction industry in the CEE region.
Walter Herz has been providing comprehensive consulting services in the commercial real estate sector in Poland for over 10 years. Outside Warsaw, it runs regional branches. It provides strategic support to investors, property owners, companies and institutions from both the private and public sectors. The company advises on investment and project management, as well as on commercialization, rental processes and real estate administration. Walter Herz cooperates with private and institutional investors, real estate development companies and investment funds, providing clients with extensive access to information, contacts and market analysis.
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UE uszczelnia ochronę konsumentów. Producenci i sprzedawcy będą ponosić większą odpowiedzialność za wadliwe i niebezpieczne produkty
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