Warsaw’s Wspólna 47/49 office building fully leased
Yareal Polska has completed the commercialisation of Wspólna 47/49 boutique office building. In 2022, the company leased out more than 4,000 sqm. of available office space, with Enervigo, “Future For Ukraine” Foundation, and a representative of the European institutions sector added to the building’s tenant roster. This means that the building, located in the very heart of Warsaw, at the junction of Wspólna and Marszałkowska streets, is now 100% leased.
Wspólna 47/49 is an eight-storey, human-scale office building with approximately 7,800 sqm. of office space. Wspólna 47/49 is the first project where Yareal Polska is acting as asset manager on behalf of YAM Invest. This project falls within the strategy of Yareal to develop third-party asset management business.
‘Last year saw intensive asset management activity and the re-commercialisation of Wspólna 47/49 office building. Given the challenging macroeconomic environment, this was a formidable task. I am really pleased that our strategy has worked well and today we are proudly announcing the substantial success of attracting new tenants and fully leasing the building. In Wspólna 47/49 office building, we offered our clients a lot of flexibility in the choice of spaces and contract types: here we use the so-called rolling contracts, which are rare on the market. This ensures that companies have much more freedom in terms of planning their future and developing their business than in the case of standard long-term lease commitments,’ said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.
In addition to 7,800 sqm. of office space, the tenants of Wspólna 47/49 office building can use a three-storey underground car park for 125 vehicles, a bicycle room, and two terraces on the top floors of the building. In the immediate vicinity of the building there are countless retail and service outlets, restaurants, and vibrant entertainment infrastructure (theatres, cinemas, museums).
The location is one of the greatest assets of Wspólna 47/49 development. The office building is at the corner of Wspólna and Marszałkowska streets, with instant access to all means of public transport (metro station, bus and tram stops, city bike stations, and the Central Railway Station). The proximity of one of the city’s main transport hubs at Aleje Jerozolimskie means that it is not only easy to reach the offices by public transport but also by car.
BREEAM In-Use certificates were issued to the building in Asset Performance and Building Management categories at 'Excellent' and 'Very Good' levels, respectively. The advantages of Wspólna 47/49 have long been appreciated by well-known Polish and international companies, with LabCorp, OneSystem, Trei Real Estate, Datalogic or V4C, to name a few, among its tenants.
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Jedynka Newserii
Jedynka Newserii
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