A record amount of support for SOS Children's Villages in Poland within RONDO 1
Registration is long underway for the 10th jubilee edition of the Rondo 1 Summit Run in Warsaw, which will take place on May 21st. There are a few last starter packages available for sale. Moreover, it is already known that this year, the SOS Children's Villages Association in Poland will receive
a record amount from the collection related to the race.
38 floors and 142 meters vertically - such a task awaits anyone who decides to face the route leading down the staircase of the Rondo 1 office building on May 21st. As it turns out, after a two-year break in the caused by the pandemic, there are still many people willing to take up the challenge.
- There are already over 400 people on the starting list, and the limit of participants is 500. The number of available packages is decreasing every day, so it's better not to wait too long to register - says Piotr Jakóbik, the press spokesman for the competition.
The organisers already know that the upcoming edition of the event will be record-breaking in terms of the amount of financial support raised for the SOS Children's Village in Kraśnik. The run has currently collected almost PLN 22,000 from starting fees and additional donations. This amount will further increase thanks to contributions from new participants of the run. Moreover, the Rondo 1 complex, will make its sizeable donation that will further increase the financial help.
- We are very proud to be able to support the SOS Children's Villages Association this year. Moreover, we are thrilled to be joined by so many participants in bringing help to the children in need. This year's edition also includes additional financial aid from RONDO 1, which will contribute by donating an additional PLN 15,000 to the Kraśnik SOS Village. The Summit Run is, in fact, an event that has been combining sports competition with charity for many years. For us, it is also a symbol illustrating good hearts and the will to help all participants of the run - comments Sylwia Wiszowata-Łazarz, Associate Director in the marketing department of the international real estate management company Cushman & Wakefield.
Competitors can register for the Rondo 1 Summit Run on the SlotMarket.pl portal. The link to the application form is also available on the www.biegnaszczyt.pl website.
The media patrons of the event are Eurobuild CEE, My Company Polska, NowaWarszawa.pl and Biegowe.pl.
Facts and figures about the RONDO 1 Tower Run
The event has the rank of Towerrunning European Championships 2022.
Run route:
• run to the 37th floor (but there are 38 floors to climb - including 5a floor)
• elevation gain: 142 meters
• left-handed cage
• number of stairs on one landing: 11
• number of relapses: 76
RONDO 1 is one of the most modern and environmentally friendly A + class high-rise buildings in Central and Eastern Europe. The 40-storey tower put into service in 2006, is located in the centre of Warsaw's business district, at Rondo ONZ, near the RONDO ONZ metro station and Warszawa Centralna railway station. The complex also includes an adjacent 10-story building, which keeps, among others, parking and extensive commercial and service facilities. Rondo 1 offers a total of 66 thousand. sq m of leasable area and nearly 500 parking spaces. As the first skyscraper in Europe, the complex received the LEED Gold ecological certificate in the "Existing buildings" category. In 2016, the building received the highest LEED Platinum rating in the LEED system. RONDO 1 is also the winner of the prestigious Real Green CEE Real Estate Quality Awards 2012 in the "Building of the Year 2011" category and the CEE Real Estate Quality Awards 2013 in the "Building of the Decade" category. The Rondo 1 project was developed in cooperation with Polish studios AZO and Epstein by the renowned American architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merill.

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