Three years of Mindspace Koszyki in Poland
Mindspace, a global provider of boutique, flexible office spaces, is celebrating its third anniversary in Poland. During this period, the operator has expanded its Warsaw location. Today, Mindspace Koszyki offers 5,500 m2 of flexible office space. Currently, in this Polish branch can work 750 people — over 300 more than at the opening in 2017.
In 2018, Mindspace Koszyki offered its clients 4,000 m2 of flexible office space. However, the growing role of flexible space and positive opinions of existing clients encouraged the company to expand its location in 2019. As a result of that decision, today the Warsaw branch of Mindspace is a complex directly adjacent to the iconic Hala Koszyki on both sides. The offices are located on four floors of the office building at ul. Koszykowa 61 and on two floors in the tower at ul. Koszykowa 65. The two towers comprise approx. 5,500 m2 of flexible space.
Yotam Alroy, Co-founder and CBO of Mindspace, commented: “I am very glad that in 2017 we made a decision to expand Mindspace to Poland. Warsaw is a dynamic market with business and innovation as its main drivers. The same goes for Mindspace, so we have never had any doubts that this combination would work. Thanks to the opening of Mindspace Koszyki, for over three years we have observed the flexible office space sector in Poland undergoing a significant transformation. What was initially considered to be an offer only for freelancers and startups looking for an inspiring and affordable work environment evolved over the past couple of years to be noticed by large corporations seeking to minimize their business costs and maximize the performance of their employees. It is a great joy and satisfaction to be part of this change. I believe that the flexible office space market is one of the most promising sectors in Poland.”
Alroy continued: “I would like to thank all our partners who made the establishment of the Warsaw branch of Mindspace and its further expansion possible. My special thanks go to Globalworth, who is the owner of Hala Koszyki. Cooperation with the leading landlord in Poland made a huge impact on the success of our operation”.
The community of the Warsaw location is made up of freelancers, small and medium-sized companies, and large corporations. Mindspace Koszyki’s clients are globally recognized brands, including some of the biggest corporations in the world, in the fields of food and beverage, retail & clothing, and “big tech”. Mindspace’s tenants also include the global payment operator Adyen, the world-famous music brand Tidal, as well as Tink, the European banking leader, which decided to double the number of leased workstations during the coronavirus pandemic.
Michał Kwinta, Senior Community Manager at Mindspace Koszyki, said: “For three years we have been working every day to ensure that the high quality of space offered by Mindspace Koszyki, as well as our professional management, create a friendly and comfortable work environment for our clients. As you can see, our work has paid off. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the Polish market is one of the most successful markets for Mindspace. Occupancy levels at the Warsaw location have not decreased since the outbreak of the pandemic. On the contrary, Mindspace Koszyki has gained new significant clients. This is something we can be proud of, along with all the other tenants we had the pleasure to host during our first three years. I would like to thank our clients for their trust as they have chosen Mindspace Koszyki as the location of their businesses. You create this space.”
Poland is one of seven countries where Mindspace operates. The company has a total of 31 locations in Europe, the United States and Israel. The global Mindspace community currently consists of more than 15,000 members, who can use any location of Mindspace around the world at no extra charge. With the launch of the Virtual by Mindspace platform, they can also meet and participate in a variety of online events.

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