Helping Hand supports Angelini Pharma employees
Poland’s first mental health support platform has acquired a new corporate client. The Polish branch of Angelini Pharma, a world leader in the pharmaceutical industry, has decided to liaise with Helping Hand and thereby extend the range of non-wage benefits for its employees.
Angelini Pharma is an international pharmaceutical company, part of Angelini Industries. It is a leading healthcare company, with a particular focus on the central nervous system, mental health, pain management, and rare diseases. Angelini Pharma is also a manufacturer of over-the-counter drugs. The company has direct operations in 25 countries, where it employs more than 3,000 people, and markets its products in more than 70 countries through strategic partnerships with leading international pharmaceutical groups.
Angelini Pharma Polska has also initiated a nationwide social awareness campaign called “Professional Burnout in Focus.” The aim of the campaign is to emphasize the importance of mental wellbeing of employees and its impact on the functioning of enterprises. Therefore, the cooperation of Angelini Pharma Polska with Helping Hand is the next step in Angelini’s promotion of health support in the workplace. Through extension of the package of non-wage benefits to include free access to the Helping Hand platform, the team at the Polish branch of Angelini Pharma will have the possibility of unlimited use of psychoeducational and personal development materials, e.g. interviews with experts, webinars, workshops, videos and articles. Be it a chat or an online meeting, all staff will also be able to schedule an individual, anonymous consultation with a psychologist or therapist.
“The recent discussion about burnout is just one of the signals prompting employers to provide appropriate prevention and ongoing psychological support to employees,” said Aleksandra Tokarewicz, management board member and Chief Product & Sales Officer at the company managing the Helping Hand platform. “We are pleased that more and more companies, local and international alike, are including activities aimed at improving the quality of life and health of our society, and managers know that taking care of the mental health of employees has become a must-have for the proper functioning of the entire company. It is a great honour for us that Angelini Pharma Polska has chosen Helping Hand to provide its employees with mental health support. I am convinced that this cooperation will allow us to exchange extremely valuable experiences and will be appreciated by the whole team at Angelini.”
Anna Mistewicz, HR Director and member of the management board of Angelini Pharma Polska, commented: “We treat mental health as one of the pillars of our operation. Recent years have popularized the discussion about the human mental condition, also in the context of professional activities, which is a very positive trend with a strong educational and preventive impact. The number of stressors in the modern world seems to increase year by year, putting our adaptive mechanisms to the next test. Support to employees through psychoeducation, the possibility of contact with a specialist, and convenient, user-friendly access is a valuable and appreciated benefit, and the high level of discretion encourages active use. I am very glad that together with Helping Hand we can offer meaningful solutions.”
The Helping Hand platform offers mental health support using a four-step approach. “Four Steps to Wellbeing” is a proprietary, comprehensive assistance programme, where each user of the platform can diagnose their problem at the very first step, and then work to solve it.
Helping Hand’s offer is mainly aimed at companies wishing to provide employees and their families with tools for psychoeducation and self-therapy as well as individual online therapies. However, with access to the core functionality of the platform and apps, private users can also benefit from free, 24/7, anonymous support.
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