Teleperformance Poland partners with Helping Hand
Teleperformance, a top global provider of contact centre services, is expanding its range of non-wage benefits for employees in Poland. Starting cooperation with Helping Hand will enable the company to provide holistic mental health support to its team. The Helping Hand online platform is available for its users 24/7. The platform is completely anonymous.
Teleperformance is a top global leader in multi-channel customer experience management outsourcing. The company employs some 420,000 people internationally. In Poland, where it has been operating for over 20 years, Teleperformance employs about 1,700 people, including citizens of 55 different countries, serving customers in 20 languages.
Thanks to the cooperation with Helping Hand, each Teleperformance employee in Poland will receive access to the psychological support platform as a non-wage benefit. In addition to access to psychoeducational and personal development content, including interviews with experts, webinars, workshops, videos and articles, Teleperformance employees will also have the opportunity to schedule individual, anonymous consultations with a therapist in the form of a chat, voice room or online meeting.
“It gives me great satisfaction to observe ever more companies starting to pay attention to employee support,” said Aleksandra Tokarewicz, management board member and Product and Sales Director at the company managing the Helping Hand platform. “Helping Hand is a comprehensive product, providing extensive prevention schemes created by passionate and truly experienced professionals. Caring about our mental health should be an inherent part of everyone’s general preventive healthcare. I strongly believe that our solution is the best one on the market, not only in its content, but also in our approach. We are empathetic and open. We care about our users and provide them with a sense of security.”
Dominika Śliżewska-Wróbel, HR Director at Teleperformance Poland, said: “We are a leader in personalized and multi-channel customer services as well as customer relationship management. Hence we have expertise and experience on how every company/client or company/employee relationship should look. An inseparable element of our strategy is implementation of programmes for ensuring the well-being of employees. Providing appropriate comfort of work, permanent support, and the opportunity to take care of the health of the whole team are key elements in our HR policy which we want to continuously improve in terms of quality. This is where the idea to become a partner of Helping Hand for prevention and psychological support has come from. This is the next step in developing our attractive well-being programme. I am confident that this collaboration will allow us to share extremely valuable experience and will be appreciated by each member of the team. Providing adequate preventive care and ongoing psychological support in today’s challenging times is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the entire company. It’s worth remembering that a satisfied and well-cared-for employee means a loyal and reliable employee.”
The Helping Hand platform offers mental health support using a four-step approach. “Four Steps to Well-being” is a proprietary, comprehensive assistance programme, where each user of the platform can diagnose their problem at the very first step, and then work to solve it.
Helping Hand solutions can be used both by individuals (free of charge and as part of an extended subscription scheme) and by companies seeking to provide their employees with holistic psychological support in the form of non-wage benefits. The expanded B2B module works as a cafeteria system, where the employer can freely manage and control the budget allocated for employee support. Companies such as the international consultancy Cushman & Wakefield and pharmaceutical world leader Angelini Pharma have already made the decision to cooperate with Helping Hand in this respect.

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