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New agreement signed: the four-star Golden Tulip Balice Kraków hotel will welcom

2020-11-25  |  16:00

At the Metropolo by Golden Tulip hotel in Kraków, Grzegorz Olchawski (CEO 3GO Sp z o.o. S.K.A) and Adam Konieczny (Louvre Hotels Group) signed an agreement regarding the management of the new hotel located in the immediate vicinity of the Kraków-Balice International Airport in southern Poland. The four-star investment, designed mainly with business clients and the event industry in mind, will welcome its first guests on September 1, 2023 as Golden Tulip Balice Kraków.

One of the main advantages of the Golden Tulip Balice Kraków hotel will be its location. The modern building will be erected on a plot of land situated only 5 minutes away from the Kraków-Balice Airport (the largest international airport in the region), the A4 motorway junction and the Kraków ring road. The new hotel will be an attractive starting point for visits to Kraków, it will provide high-standard accommodation for airline passengers and serve as a convenient stopover point during car journeys. Thanks to the excellent visibility of the building both from the motorway and from decks of approaching airplanes, the hotel will also be a great showcase of the Golden Tulip brand in one of the busiest communication hubs in Poland.

– I am very pleased to be able to join forces with Louvre Hotels Group. I greatly appreciate the openness and professional support of this partner. I am convinced that the choice of LHG as my hotel manager will prove to be the right one. Despite the current crisis, the group is expanding its network and is already the second largest hotel group in Europe. The rapid development on an international and national scale is undoubtedly an important asset. I can’t wait to open my hotel and welcome my first guests. I hope that together we will be able to positively influence the development of the hotel and tourism industry - said investor Grzegorz Olchawski, CEO of 3GO sp.z o.o. S.K.A.

Golden Tulip Balice Kraków will be clearly divided by function into hotel, restaurant and conference areas. The last two will be located on the lower floors of the building while the upper floors will house the hotel rooms. The two-layer facade of the southern and western part of the hotel will not only shield guests from noise, but also allow the installation of photovoltaic panels. The southern facade of the building, facing the motorway and the airport, will be especially exposed and highlighted by branding elements and night-time illumination, turning the Golden Tulip Balice Kraków hotel into one of the most distinctive elements of the local landscape.

The entrance hall will serve as the central point of the building from which all levels, communication routes and functionalities of the new hotel will be visible, allowing guests to easily navigate about the facility. Golden Tulip Balice Kraków will be equipped with parking spaces for passenger cars and bicycles, and will provide easy access for buses and service cars. Electric car charging stations will also be present on site.

Golden Tulip Balice Kraków will offer 116 four-star rooms, including 100 standard rooms, 14 superior rooms and 2 suites. They accommodations will be complemented by conference and banquet facilities. The largest event hall will accommodate up to 450 people. Spacious, with high ceilings and well-connected with the common spaces of the hotel – it will be well-suited for events such as symposia, conferences, exhibitions, presentations, concerts and weddings. The largest hall will be complemented by 5 conference rooms of various sizes. The food and beverage area of the hotel, including a restaurant with a terrace and large kitchen facilities, has been designed to serve hotel guests, participants of events held on the premise and individual customers who can stop here en route for a meal.

– We are thrilled to participate in this very important project that can count on a great diversification of customers and benefit from a strategic location near the motorway. The project was prepared with a modern hospitality product and extraordinary conference facilities in mind. For local customers, it will be a place of great family celebrations where the level of quality and professionalism will exceed the expectations of even the most demanding guests. This is the goal of both LHG and our partner and investor. It is a great honour for us to be able to cooperate with him – said Adam Konieczny, MRICS Development Director Europe, Louvre Hotels Group.

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