ALTO at Gdański Business Center
- The advisory firm ALTO has leased 1,280 m2 of space in the Warsaw office complex Gdański Business Center.
- Gdański Business Center, part of the Savills Investment Management portfolio, offers 101,000 m2 of leasable space in total.
Warsaw, 23 May 2023. Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), a global real estate investment manager, has signed an agreement with ALTO for the lease of 1,280 m2 of space in the office complex Gdański Business Center. The new tenant will move into the facility on ul. Inflancka in Warsaw in October 2023 and will arrange its office space on the fourth floor of Building C. The agreement will be valid for eight years.
ALTO is one of the fastest-growing advisory firms in Poland. The firm delivers professional services in the areas of Tax, Legal, Accounting and Payroll, as well as Technology in Tax Services. ALTO’s key areas of focus are insurance, real estate, financial services, PE/VC, technology, healthcare/life sciences, energy and logistics. The firm’s team is composed of over 170 tax and legal advisors, certified accountants and other professionals.
Anna Piątek, Junior Asset Manager at Savills Investment Management, said: “It is my pleasure to thank ALTO for trusting us and choosing our complex. We are extremely satisfied that the Gdański Business Center offer and the activities that we undertake are recognized by dynamically growing companies. I have no doubt that the office space at Gdański Business Center will create an attractive working environment for ALTO.”
Julia Racewicz, Head of Asset Management, Office & Logistics at Savills Investment Management, added: “We see the agreement with ALTO as a confirmation of the strong position of our property in the highly competitive Warsaw office market.”
According to Kamil Lewandowski, Partner and Co-Founder at ALTO: “At ALTO, we work together to be a great place for people, and we go to every effort to create the best possible conditions for their development. Hence, we are confident that the environment in which we operate on a daily basis plays an important role. Therefore, when deciding to change the location of our Warsaw office, we took into account the attractiveness of the place, transport infrastructure and, above all, the quality and class of the office building. And all this with one goal in mind—we all want to feel comfortable in our new space. We truly believe that both the ALTO team and our clients will appreciate this change. Our thanks go to Savills IM for their enthusiastic welcome for us as a tenant, and we look forward to our continued successful cooperation.”
Both parties were advised by CBRE in the transaction.
Gdański Business Center is a modern complex consisting of four class A office buildings in the centre of Warsaw. The project was completed in 2014 (phase 1) and 2016 (phase 2). Apart from the office space, the complex also features restaurants, a café, a beauty salon, a kindergarten, a medical centre, the Zdrofit fitness club, and a public courtyard with greenery and street furniture elements. Gdański Business Center offers 1,379 underground and 76 on-grade parking spots and biking infrastructure, with 416 bicycle racks, changing rooms and showers. The tenants of the complex include Provident Polska, KPMG, Allianz, Philip Morris, Euronet, KMD, Uber, Nielsen, and Dell.
The complex is located next to the Dworzec Gdański M1 metro stop and the Warszawa Gdańska railway station. There are also many bus and tram stops as well as city bike rental points near the project, which guarantees excellent transport options to other districts of Warsaw. The proximity of the Gdański Bridge also facilitates access to the right bank of Warsaw. There are numerous amenities in the vicinity of the complex, e.g. the Westfield Arkadia shopping mall.
The property, which was awarded a BREEAM Excellent certificate, was purchased by Savills IM on behalf of a global pension fund.
More information about Gdański Business Center is available at, as well as on Facebook and LinkedIn.
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