Barceló Hotel Group opens its first hotel in Poland
Barceló Warsaw Powiśle, a new 4-star hotel with 151 rooms, is set to stand out with its unique interiors and its ideal location in Warsaw's trendiest neighbourhood.
With this new opening, Barceló Hotel Group kickstarts its international expansion into Central Europe. The company currently manages seven hotels in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, and this summer plans to open a new hotel in Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana.
June 2023 - Barceló Hotel Group has announced the opening of Barceló Warsaw Powiśle, a new 4-star avant-garde hotel with 151 rooms, located in the centre of Warsaw, Poland. The hotel is within the former Elektrownia Powiśle power station, which provided energy to the city for almost 100 years and has now been converted into a magnificent shopping centre with more than 70 restaurants and shops. Integrating the power station’s character with its striking industrial design, Barceló Warsaw Powiśle is an exciting addition in this new, up and coming cultural district of Warsaw.
Barceló Warsaw Powiśle, the design hotel in the centre of Warsaw
Barceló Warsaw Powiśle hotel is located in the Powiśle district, on the banks of the Vistula River, and just minutes from the main museums and some of the best attractions of the city, such as the Copernicus Science Centre.
The hotel has a restaurant where guests can enjoy dishes inspired by local recipes, as well as fusion cuisine. There is a lobby bar, with an extensive menu of drinks and snacks, and an impressive rooftop bar complete with a swimming pool, where guests can sip on delicious cocktail’s whilst enjoying spectacular panoramic views of the city.
Barceló Warsaw Powiśle has a fully equipped gym, as well as several open-plan meeting rooms for holding all types of events, making it an ideal hotel for those guests visiting Warsaw for business and then stay on for pleasure to enjoy the city and the hotel's facilities.
The opening of the Barceló brand hotel marks the completion of the development process for all the buildings in the Elektrownia Powiśle complex. A coherent and functional architectural concept, in which every element has been treated by the architects with respect for its historical value, has made it possible to fully use the potential of this important place on the map of Warsaw. We are very pleased that now, alongside the residents of the capital, tourists will be able to experience the atmosphere of the power plant's industrial space. We can confidently state that Elektrownia Powiśle, together with the Barceló brand hotel, create a Powiśle landmark, which will be talked about not only in Warsaw – says Dariusz Domański, Managing Partner at White Star Real Estate.
José Ramón Alvarez-Cervela, SVP City Hotels Europe at Barceló Hotel Group, comments “with this new opening, Barceló Hotel Group signals its commitment to expansion in Central Europe, where the company opened its first hotel in Prague in 1993. Today, the hotel chain operates seven hotels in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, generating a positive impact on the economic, cultural and social development of the cities. Additionally, the company plans to open a newly built hotel this Summer in the centre of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.”
About Barceló Hotel Group
Barceló Hotel Group, the hotel division of the Barceló Group, is the second largest hotel chain in Spain and is among the top 30 largest in the world in number of rooms. The group currently has more than 280 4 and 5-star urban and holiday hotels, totalling more than 62,000 rooms across 25 countries and marketed under four brands: Royal Hideaway Luxury Hotels & Resorts, Barceló Hotels & Resorts, Occidental Hotels & Resorts and Allegro Hotels. It is also part of the Crestline Hotels & Resorts group, an independent hotel company with 130 establishments. For more information please visit:
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