Komunikaty PR

Billennium S.A. Chooses Mindspace Koszyki for Its Headquarters

2021-08-04  |  11:00
Biuro prasowe

Billennium S.A., the international IT services and solutions company, recently joined Mindspace Koszyki. The new member will occupy 65 workstations on the first and second floors of the complex adjacent to Hala Koszyki. During the leasing process, Corees Poland represented Billennium S.A. 

Billennium S.A. is a global technology company with 18 years of expertise in creating innovative IT solutions for businesses, advising and assisting clients in digital transformation. Companies from the pharmaceutical, banking, finance, insurance, renewable energy and public sectors, to name a few, benefit from the services provided by Billennium S.A. The company has a total of 11 offices across the world, of which 7 are located in Poland and the other 4 in India, Germany, Canada and Malaysia. 

“At Billennium, with over 1,300 employees, we all adapted to remote working very quickly, and over time we understood that we are not going back to the pre-pandemic reality. The hybrid model has become the new standard, as it allows our employees to decide how often they work from the office. The flexibility provided by Mindspace in the space choice and the variety of common areas was consistent with Billennium’s concept of the new workplace and reassured us in the decision to move our headquarters here. In addition, the openness to our needs, the aesthetically designed interiors, and the great location of the unusual, historic building make us feel very comfortable here” - said Ewa Goska, Head of Administration at Billennium S.A. 

“We’re honored that Billennium chose Mindspace Koszyki for their headquarters in Poland,” said Yotam Alroy, Co-Founder & Chief Business Development of Mindspace. “After a long period working from home, companies are eager to return to the office, but with an increased level of flexibility. As the Polish market is booming again, Mindspace Koszyki is close to 90% occupancy rate and we see a higher level of interest from SMBs and enterprises in our wide array of office solutions, ranging from hourly meeting rooms to daily and multi-access passes and flexible longer-term solutions such as monthly and yearly contracts.”

Globally, Mindspace has seen demand for hybrid workspaces triple in the last six months alone, compared to the same period last year. Despite the pandemic, occupancy levels for the first half of 2021 at most of Mindspace’s locations have steadily increased and are approaching pre-pandemic levels. Moreover, since the start of the year the flex space provider opened two new locations under management agreements - in the US and in Israel - and even expanded one of its Berlin locations. In November 2021, Mindspace is expected to open its 6th Israeli location that will bring its total to 32 branches worldwide. Members can access any of the Mindspace locations globally, at no additional cost.

Grzegorz Kmieciński, Director of Tenant Representation at Corees Poland adds that: “In the current market situation, more and more companies consider flexible solutions for office space. These solutions give tenants the freedom to make short- and long-term business decisions. We’re grateful for the opportunity to conduct the entire office selection and leasing process on Billennium’s behalf, and for the professional and seamless cooperation with Mindspace.”

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