Komunikaty PR

BNI on two floors in Warsaw Trade Tower

2023-03-09  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

BNI, the largest international business networking organization, extended their lease in Warsaw Trade Tower and signed a new contract for the lease of another floor in the building. After the expansion, BNI uses over 3300 sq m. of space, occupying the entire 38th and 29th floor in the office building. Walter Herz company supported the organization in the process of negotiations and arranging the office.

BNI is an international business organization bringing together a global community of business leaders. It unites the largest entrepreneurs to stimulate their development and encourage cooperation, as well as create business opportunities for them based on mutual benefits, which translates into measurable financial profits.

BNI was launched in the United States in 1984. The beginnings of the organization in Poland date back to 2006. In our country, BNI associates 2 225 companies from the SME sector operating in 21 cities. The goal of the organization is to create BNI Groups in every city in Poland, which will allow entrepreneurs to develop their companies through recommendations based on the Givers Gain philosophy.

– Our expansion in Warsaw Trade Tower is related to the development of our organization, as well as the need to adapt the office space we occupy in the building to the nature of the organizations we create, that is both BNI and Corporate Connections. We decided to continue cooperation with Globalworth and rent additional space, because WTT meets the highest standards when it comes to comfort and work safety as one of the most representative office buildings in Warsaw. The decision to choose this location was also motivated by the favorable lease conditions that we managed to negotiate - says Michał Niedbała, COO of Corporate Connections and BNI Polska.

- This is an excellent example of a successful, long-term cooperation between the tenant and the owner of an office building. The extension of the lease of space by BNI and the signing of the lease agreement for another floor confirms that WTT is one of the most prestigious addresses in Warsaw, where tenants thrive. Leading Polish and international companies looking for modern and very well located office space decide to open their headquarters in the office building. It is a great honor for us that BNI sees Globalworth as a long-term partner. Over the next years, we will support our tenant in its successful development in Warsaw. - says Anna Korwin-Kulesza, Asset Management & Leasing at Globalworth Poland.

– We established cooperation with BNI a few years ago. We advised the organization when it moved to Warsaw Trade Tower two years ago, occupying the 38th floor with 1000 sq m. of space. Now we supported the process of renegotiating the occupied space and negotiating the lease terms of the new space, as well as office fit-out, which began over a year ago. The client developed its own corporate style when it comes to office design. We coordinated its implementation at the company's headquarters in Warsaw, and we are introducing it at BNI’s regional offices. We are glad that we have the opportunity to support the development of BNI in Poland. Our cooperation has developed so widely that, as Walter Herz, we decided to become a member of the BNI+ Group, seeing many business benefits in membership - informs Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner, Head of Tenant Representation at Walter Herz.

– Comprehensive customer support also included choosing an architectural partner, which was MM Ateliere, and an analysis of designing costs. On the basis of the developed analysis, the organization has created a coherent office design model, which is implemented in all BNI branches in Poland. This made it possible to optimize the costs of office arrangement and achieve very good results in terms of quality to price. And I must admit that creating such a solution was not an easy task in the context of the drastic increase in fit-out costs that took place in 2022 - says Michał Starzyński, Leading Senior Advisor at Walter Herz.

Warsaw Trade Tower is one of the tallest and most characteristic office buildings in Warsaw. The office building, 208 meters high, is located at Chłodna Street, at the intersection of Towarowa Street and Aleja Solidarności Street, near the Daszyńskiego roundabout. The 42-floor Warsaw Trade Tower was commissioned in 1999. The office tower offers over 46.8 thousand sq m. of leasable space. The tenants of the building can use over 450 parking spaces and attractive common areas. Since 2009, WTT has been in the portfolio of Globalworth, a leading office investor in the CEE region.

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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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