CA Immo offers a bike rental system in its office buildings in Warsaw
- CA Immo is extending its range of amenities for the tenants of three office buildings in Warsaw. As of June this year, tenants of Postępu 14, Sienna Center and Warsaw Towers can take advantage of the bike rental system free of charge.
- The initiative is being launched by CA Immo as part of its green “Tomorrow Proof” programme, implemented in all six countries where the company has properties.
Warsaw/Vienna. CA Immo has launched a bike rental system in three of its office buildings in Warsaw: Postępu 14, Warsaw Towers and Sienna Center. City bikes are available for use by occupiers of these buildings completely free of charge for up to 72 hours. The project is being carried out in partnership with The Bike Company.
The bike rental system created for tenants of Postępu 14, Warsaw Towers and Sienna Center was launched by CA Immo in June this year. This is the first season when staff at these three office buildings have the opportunity to use a total of 31 bicycles free of charge. Reservations can be made through the Revelo app, for up to 72 hours (including weekends). The Bike Company acts as the provider, responsible for operating the reservation system and for ongoing maintenance of the bikes.
“The first days of the bike rental system operation have already shown that this initiative is generating considerable interest and receiving a positive response from tenants,” said Dawid Wątorski, Senior Leasing Manager at CA Immo Poland. “It is a natural continuation of the cycling-related campaigns and maintenance checks which we have been organizing and which, regardless of the location, have always enjoyed great popularity among the users of our properties. This project is being carried out as part of the ‘Tomorrow Proof’ programme under which CA Immo is undertaking a number of green initiatives from a corporate point of view, and thus increasing the attractiveness and sustainability of its property portfolio and supporting climate-friendly mobility. We believe that thanks to this programme we will encourage a large group of people to replace their cars with bikes on a permanent basis, which in turn will help protect the environment.”
Adam Osuch, COO at The Bike Company, commented: “We are truly excited about the opportunity to work with CA Immo. At The Bike Company, we provide not only the bikes themselves, but above all the entire infrastructure necessary for the bike-sharing system to operate properly. Tenants can already see the benefits of a bicycle commute, and we truly believe that they will continue to use it actively over the coming months. We always make every effort to keep the bikes available and in good working condition. Bikes for tenants are an opportunity for an active ride home, an alternative when going to a business meeting, or a chance to relax after a stressful day at work. Cycling brings joy and freedom, and this is exactly what we offer with the entire Revelo service package.”
Postępu 14 is one of the most modern office buildings in the business part of Mokotów, offering almost 34,500 sqm of space for lease and 775 underground parking spaces. The building stands apart for its environment-friendly solutions, confirmed by a BREEAM Final certificate at the Excellent level, including wind power energy supply, complete cycling infrastructure, electric vehicle charging stations, energy-efficient lifts and lighting, as well as the use of rainwater to irrigate the greenery and cool the air conditioning. The 10-storey office building, built on an H-shaped plan, also features a very large typical floor area of 4,300 sqm. In addition to attractive and efficient workspaces, the building offers a restaurant, café, canteen, grocery store, print shop and drugstore. The building’s tenants include companies such as AstraZeneca Pharma Poland, Samsung, Ekoenergetyka, Packeta Poland and Ikano Bank.
Warsaw Towers is a modern, 15-storey class A office building in the very centre of Warsaw, offering a total of 21,000 sqm of commercial space. In addition to office space, Warsaw Towers also features a retail and service passage on the ground floor of the building, including a restaurant, a florist’s, and other shops. There is also an underground car park with 240 parking spaces, a car wash, and a modern bicycle storage room on the premises. The building’s tenants also have at their disposal spacious terraces overlooking the panorama of Warsaw on the 5th, 7th and 15th floors. Warsaw Towers has been appreciated for many years by companies that are leaders in their industries. The tenants at the project include such companies as PGE Systemy, Accenture, Coty, Grafton and Idom.
Sienna Center is an office building with a total leasable area of 20,500 sqm in the centre of Warsaw, at the intersection of Sienna, Żelazna and Twarda streets. The nine-storey building, consisting of three parts with independent entrances and receptions, offers the highest-quality office space, retail and service spaces, as well as 209 parking spaces in the underground garage. The building is also characterized by high energy efficiency confirmed by a BREEAM certificate at the Very Good level. The advantages of Sienna Center have been appreciated by renowned Polish and international companies. Among the tenants of the office building are FIS Technology, PGE, NTT and Rödl.

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