EY to stay in the Imagine office building in Łódź
EY, a global leader in audit, tax consultancy, technology, business and transaction services, has signed a lease extension for 1,400 m2 of office space in the Imagine complex in Łódź.
EY is a world-leading provider of professional services, employing over 7,000 experts across Poland in eight locations (Warsaw, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Rzeszów and Wrocław) as well as the EY Shared Services Centre.
EY joined the group of tenants of the Imagine office complex in Łódź in 2019. EY’s Łódź branch is in Building A of the Imagine complex, at the junction of Piłsudskiego and Śmigłego-Rydza streets. Recently the company signed a renewed lease for 1,400 m2 of office space. EY was advised by its own Real Estate Advisory Group in the negotiations.
“EY is renowned for designing innovative workspaces,” said Anna Kicińska, EY Poland Partner and Leader of the Real Estate Advisory Group. “Hence it is a key aspect when we start looking for a space to lease. At present, in all our Polish locations we are introducing changes to office spaces to facilitate cooperation and help our employees exchange ideas.”
Wojciech Szczepański, a member of the EY Real Estate Advisory Group, added: “The changes that are currently being made are crucial for the dynamics and creativity of the fast-paced contemporary work environment, which is redefining the function of the office as we know it. All these efforts are aimed at creating a space attractive enough for our employees to come to the office even more often.”
Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Country Manager of Avestus Real Estate in Poland, said: “It makes us proud that EY has decided to extend its lease at the Imagine complex in Łódź. It is excellent proof that our office building meets the requirements of the most demanding clients. What is more, we see it as confirmation of the high quality of the services we offer and the attractiveness of the location. We truly believe that our continued cooperation with such a respected business partner as EY will further strengthen the brand perception of the Imagine complex as the top-class office building in the region.”
The state-of-the-art office complex Imagine comprises three A-class office buildings. Two six-storey buildings offer 17,200 m2 of commercial space in total, including 14,800 m2 of office space and 2,400 m2 for retail and service outlets. The third building features an aboveground garage with 356 parking spaces and 49 double bicycle racks.
The high-end fitout and innovative energy-saving solutions (certified with a BREEAM Interim Design Stage certificate at the “Excellent” level) are not the only assets of the complex. It also stands out due to its excellent location in the heart of Łódź, within the special economic zone, which guarantees numerous benefits for businesses with offices there.
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