Golden Star Group focuses on a green work environment!
Spacious courtyards filled with greenery, maximum use of daylight, environmentally friendly solutions used to fit out the interiors and attention to the quality of indoor air are just some of the elements distinguishing the Warsaw-based complexes from the Golden Star Group’s portfolio. Konstruktorska Business Center and Oxygen Park offer a comfortable and definitely safe environment not only for work but also for leisure.
Konstruktorska Business Center is a modern class A office building with a total leasable area of 49,500 sqm., located in the heart of the Mokotów business district. The building features high energy efficiency confirmed by a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level. Konstruktorska Business Center also has four independent entrances, two internal courtyards of 3,200 sqm. filled with greenery – exceptionally popular chill-out and meeting areas for employees – and 1,050 parking spaces in the underground garage, a bicycle room and locker rooms for cyclists. The office building features modern indoor air quality management systems and, additionally, the building has tilt windows.
The second of the Warsaw facilities owned by Golden Star Group is Oxygen Park, a state-of-the-art office complex located directly on Al. Jerozolimskie in the Warsaw business district. The project consists of two six-storey buildings with a total leasable area of over 18,000 sqm. Oxygen Park has been designed to provide the best and most comfortable work environment. The fully glazed façade guarantees maximum access to daylight, while tilt windows enable ventilation of the rooms. The layout of each floor permits flexible office solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding tenants. A green patio with a chill-out zone, filled with greenery and landscaping elements, is also available to employees and guests. Moreover, the complex features 162 parking spaces in the underground garage, bicycle racks and locker rooms with showers. Environmentally friendly solutions applied in the project have been confirmed with a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level.
“It is one of our key missions to provide our property users green and flourishing environment that positively effects the wellbeing of the people. A green, sustainable building reduces the negative impact of human activity on the environment, and an office located in such a building creates comfortable conditions to boost the creativity of employees and increase their satisfaction with their day-to-day duties. Both of our Warsaw office complexes, Konstruktorska Business Center and Oxygen Park, are excellent examples of facilities where a green working environment comes to the fore. Thanks to numerous assets, natural plants filling the courtyards and the highest quality of technological solutions, these buildings will meet all expectations of companies looking for comfortable and modern spaces.” said Gal Peleg, CEO, Golden Star Group.

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Rośnie przekonanie, że ceny nieruchomości mogą spadać. Przynajmniej te ofertowe

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