House of Skills and extend lease at Bolero Office Point 1
Consulting and Training Consortium, owner of House of Skills and brands, one of Poland’s largest and oldest training and consulting companies, has extended its lease at Bolero Office Point 1 in Warsaw. The new lease agreement providing the entire organization with 900 m2 of office space has been signed through 2030.
House of Skills and are two brands owned by Consulting and Training Consortium, which is one of the leading training and consulting companies in size and length of operations on the Polish market, specializing in talent development, HR consulting, knowledge digitization and implementation of efficient e-learning solutions. The organization has been shaping the Polish management landscape for 30 years.
In March 2024, Consulting and Training Consortium celebrated its 10th anniversary operating at Bolero Office Point 1, a seven-storey building at ul. Równoległa 4 in Warsaw. The new agreement made between Bolero Office Point 1 and Consortium covers an extension of the lease of 900 m2 of space on the ground floor.
“The lease extension for the next six years is evidence of the strong and lasting relationship we have built for the last ten years with House of Skills. What is more, it demonstrates the tenant’s trust and appreciation of the top-notch, high-quality office space at Bolero Office Point 1, and underlines the professionalism of our management of the complex,” said Eliza Wielgus, Asset Manager, CCIM, at Real Management S.A.
Bolero Office Point 1 is a seven-storey Class B+ office building at ul. Równoległa 4 in Warsaw, offering 11,300 m2 of leasable space. The building is fully commercialized.
Bolero Office Point 1 offers 187 parking spaces and a restaurant on the ground floor. The close proximity to a station of the Warsaw Commuter Railway (WKD) enables quick and comfortable access to the city centre, while the vicinity of the airport and the main exit routes from Warsaw is convenient for companies whose employees often travel on business. The building has been awarded a BREEAM In-Use certificate at the “Very Good” level. The facility is currently being assessed in a certification process compliant with the latest BREEAM V6 standard.
Real Management S.A. is a rapidly growing development company established in 2002. The company’s business focuses on the manufacturing, industrial and residential property sectors. Innovation and effective management are factors enabling the company to continuously grow and expand in the real property sector. Since its inception, Real Management S.A. has completed commercial and residential projects totalling 265,000 m2. These include the Bolero Office Park complex, the premium single-family housing estates Rezydencje Pałacowa and Rezydencje Chojnów, the Good Point logistics and industrial centres, and the Przyczółkowa Vis a Vis and Point.44 convenience parks.
In line with its strategic goals for the next four years, Real Management S.A. plans to develop a further 500,000 m2 of modern logistics and industrial space under the Good Point brand and 44,000 m2 of residential space in Warsaw as part of the Neo Natolin premium single-family housing development.
Real Management S.A. is a member of the Polish Association of Developers.
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