ingage Poland joins the Infinity tenant roster in Wrocław
Nearly 700 sqm. of Infinity’s office space in Wrocław will be occupied by a team from ingage Poland, which offers specialised Investor Relations (IR) software. The new tenant has decided to lease office space located on the fifth floor of the building with a view of Wrocław’s market square. Infinity leasing success continues and today it is nearly 50% leased with a significant amount of the remaining space in detailed discussions or committed.
ingage Poland is a fast-growing software development company that designs, builds and licenses specialized Investor Relations (IR) software in a subscription model. The ingage platform is a comprehensive investor relations software suite that supports world-class IR teams at one hundred large listed companies from fifteen countries around the world. All ingage software engineering is done in-house by specialized teams, based in the UK and in Wrocław.
“We’re very excited to commit to the Infinity building in Wrocław as the new headquarters for our software engineering R&D function. We believe passionately in the role a high quality office environment has to play both in bringing people together to design excellent software for our clients and in attracting the best engineering talent to join our team as we continue to grow our business.” commented Michael Hufton, Founder & Managing Director at ingage IR Limited.
“We are happy to welcome the ingage team as tenants. I am confident that they will have an excellent environment for developing their business in our modern office building equipped with the state-of-the-art technologies to support work comfort. Infinity is not only a high-end office space. Spacious decks with structural landscaping and greenery will be arranged on the roof of our project, providing an opportunity to take a breath and gain new energy during or after work. I am convinced that the ingage team will appreciate Infinity’s new working conditions and amenities,” said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate.
Developed by Avestus Real Estate in cooperation with business partner Alchemy Properties, the Infinity office building will be a seven-storey Class A office building with 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of retail space and a three-level underground parking garage offering 311 parking spaces (including spaces with electric vehicle charging stations). With cyclists in mind, 120 bicycle stands will be installed in an enclosed area, along with locker rooms and showers. The office building will be BREEAM-certified at the Excellent level, as well as WELL Health-Safety certified for its high standard of safety procedures.
In addition to its unique and highly distinctive architecture, the Infinity office building also enjoys the latest technologies, including an innovative tenant service platform by spaceOS. Touchless solutions, tilt windows and top quality air filters will guarantee the safety and comfort of its users.
Infinity will also feature an impressive lobby with a dedicated seating area for visitors to the building. Spacious decks with structural landscaping and greenery will be created on the roof of the building. All of Infinity’s project activities, from the construction work to the technologies and solutions used along with the management of the building, are carried out in accordance with ESG criteria to ensure a low carbon footprint and to minimize the environmental impact of the building.
The architectural design of Infinity was prepared by AD Studio, the general contractor is Eiffage Polska Budownictwo, and JLL is responsible for commercialization. The tenants of the building under construction at Jana Pawła II Square in Wrocław include Divante – a global provider of eCommerce solutions, FutureMeds – a company specializing in clinical trials of new drugs and therapies, or “UP” Fitness Club with a Mission.
Intensive installation and finishing works are currently underway at the construction site. The entire project is scheduled for completion by the end of June 2023.

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